15 Natural Remedies for Menopause Symptoms

natural remedies for menopause symptoms

While the average age of menopause for American women is 51, the perimenopausal period starts much sooner and can last from 5 to 15 years. Women have a variety of symptoms during the perimenopausal years, including hot flashes, night sweats, aches and pains, vaginal dryness, bladder problems, mood swings, depression, and irritability. To help yourself deal with this difficult time, try these 15 natural remedies for menopause symptoms.

Hold the Hot Flashes

1. Black Cohosh – This species of the buttercup has been found to reduce hot flashes. When our bodies are estrogen deprived, the hypothalamus in the brain stops working properly. Some studies report that black cohosh may help women for the short term treatment of these flushes.

2. Flaxseed – This herbal therapy has omega-3 fatty acids and lignans, a form of phytoestrogen. Studies show that flaxseed helps some women deal with hot flashes. An added benefit of this supplement is that it lowers cholesterol.

3. Motherwort – This is a wonderful herb used for hot flashes by many holistic practitioners. Take around 20 drops of motherwort a couple of times each day. You will notice results after a few weeks of use.
Nudge off Night Sweats

4. Cold Drinks – Drinking cool beverages at nighttime allow your body to refresh. Avoid alcohol or caffeine because they encourage dehydration. Instead, keep a frosty glass of ice water or juice beside your bed to sip on throughout the night.

5. Soy – Because soy contains isoflavones, a form of phytoestrogen, researchers believe it is effective to reduce night sweats. Eat tofu, drink soy milk, or take soy tablets, as this is one of the best natural remedies for menopause symptoms.

Vacate Vaginal Dryness

6. Vitamin E Oil – Apply vitamin E oil to the vagina to improve lubrication and reduce hot flashes. Inadequate moisture in the vagina leads to discomfort and bleeding during intercourse. Vitamin E oil is one of the finest natural remedies for menopause available.

7. Ginseng – Women have been using ginseng for years to increase energy, improve well-being, and stop vaginal dryness. Standardized extract capsules of 200 mg once a day relieves this bothersome symptom.

8. Coconut Oil – Try lubing up with coconut oil when vaginal dryness is a problem. This remedy is sweet-smelling and hormone-free.
Abolish Aches

9. Calcium – One odd symptom of menopause is an increased occurrence of normal aches, like neck pains, headaches, joint discomfort, and back pain. Calcium protects your bones and supports muscle health. Eat dairy products, sardines, spinach, broccoli, and legumes to get this natural treatment in your diet.

10. Wild Yam – Disosgenin, the active component of wild yam, was found to have anti-inflammatory properties in a recent research trial. Use this herbal supplement to stop the aches and pains associated with menopause.
Enhance Emotions

11. Meditation – Women get depressed during the perimenopausal era. Personality changes, irritability, anxiety, and sad mood all leads to loss of sexual desire and emotional upset. Meditation eliminates stress and balances the biochemical aspect of the body. Meditation is one of the best natural remedies for menopause.

12. Exercise – Studies suggest that regular exercise wards off depression and anxiety. Try walking or zumba to increase your pep, stabilize your emotions, and ward off the blues.

13. Milk – Because many women cannot sleep during the menopause years, experts recommend drinking a glass of milk at bedtime. Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that is a natural, mild sedative.
Banish Bladder Problems

14. Cranberry Juice – A great natural remedy for prevention of urinary discomfort is cranberry juice. It makes the urine more acidic and prevents bladder irritation. Women going through menopause often complain of frequent urination because the bladder tissue is deprived of estrogen and easily irritated.

15. Water – Sounds simple, but it works. Drinking water helps flush the bladder of bacteria and irritants. Try to drink 6 to 8 glasses of H2O each day.

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