Alternative Therapy – Drug Abuse Strategies

drug abuse strategies

Many people make the mistake of turning to drugs as a means of relief from their fears, anxiety, depression, and the stressfulness of life. In the beginning, there is profound relief experienced by this drug use, but it can quickly turn to abuse and addiction. Using drug abuse strategies, or alternative therapies to treat drug abuse, in other words therapies which combat the very things that influenced the decision to turn to drugs in the first place, can be very beneficial for a successful addiction recovery.

Meditation as a Cure

Meditation can provide some wonderful benefits both to the body and to the mind. It can be a successful approach to treating drug abuse because it helps combat the very things that can cause someone to turn to drugs in the first place. Meditation can also change patterns of brain waves, deviating from the beta waves which contribute to stress, anger, anxiety, and depression, and encouraging brain waves that are more beneficial, such as alpha, delta, and theta brain waves. These have been proven to effectively combat depression, help control anger, reduce or eliminate fears and phobias, and reduce or eliminate anxiety and panic.

An additional benefit of meditation as drug abuse strategies is a natural increase in the production of some important hormones. One of these is serotonin, which plays a large part in our mood and how we feel. Another of these is melatonin, a chemical that acts as an antioxidant and is also responsible for establishing healthy, restful patterns of sleep. Dehydro-epiandrosterone (DHEA) and Gamma-Amino Butyric acid (GABA) production are also stimulated during meditation; these are mood stabilizers and enhancers as well. Levels of damaging hormones can also be decreased with the practice of meditation. Cortisol is the most dangerous of these hormones; it can cause many physical and mental health problems.


Acupuncture is a Chinese medicinal treatment that involves the insertion of needles into specific areas of the body to penetrate invisible routes just under the skin. It is believed that this stimulates a person’s Qi and balances it out to help the body, mind, and spirit function normally. Acupuncture is also thought to stimulate production of beta endorphins, which are peptides formed from amino acid chains which function as opioid agonist receptors. This means that the areas in the brain responsible for receiving “feel good” signals can be enhanced, allowing them to receive more signals and improve the overall sense of well-being in an individual.


Yoga teaches focus, discipline, and balance. These are all important things to learn, and can help a person to apply what is learned physically to everyday situations in life. The ability to respond to stressful situations and react appropriately is greatly increased with regular practice of Yoga techniques. The goal of yoga is to join the mind, the body, and the spirit to function as one, harmoniously and in balance, rather than with chaos and imbalance.

Massage Therapy

Human touch can be a powerful healing tool. We are built with a psychological need for touch and contact with others. When there is a severe lack of this type of contact, ailments such as depression and anxiety can occur. By engaging in massage therapy, this need for touch is fulfilled. Massage is also a relaxing procedure both for the body and the mind, and can allow a person to let go of both physical and emotional tension and stress.

Diet and Nutrition

Last but not least, following a healthy diet and an adequate nutrition plan as drug abuse strategies should be a part of any approach to treating drug abuse. A healthy body will have a healthier mind as a natural side effect. A poor diet with inadequate nutrition will make recovery more difficult, no matter what the approach for treatment.

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