• dalai lama rules for living
    The Top 12 Dalai Lama Rules For Living

    When it comes to happiness and contentment, the Dalai Lama is the master. Although he is the spiritual leader for the Tibetan people, his philosophy is known around the world. Here are twelve of his top inspirational...

  • power of compassion
    Embracing the Power of Compassion

    What does it mean to be ‘compassionate’? How can possessing this one quality greatly improve your life? And, most importantly, what can you do to embrace the power of compassion and create a better life for yourself...

  • how to get over a break up
    5 Small Steps to Get Over a Breakup

    “Breaking up is hard to do,” the song reminds us. It’s a given that the end of a relationship is fraught with emotional trauma. Even if the breakup were amicable, there will still be regret if not...

  • how to grow spiritually
    How to Grow Spiritually; Six Easy Steps

    The human mind is constantly evolving and developing, becoming more in harmony with the world, fellow minds and ultimately the universe. Everybody is continually going through an evolutionary process. It is a natural process, one that cannot...

  • spiritual awakening signs
    Nine Spiritual Awakening Signs

    More people are tuning in to their higher life purpose and embracing spirituality, with common signs associated with the phenomena: 1. Emotions Experiencing stronger emotions is a frequent sign, in particular crying over things that would not...

  • meditation for enlightenment
    Using Meditation for Enlightenment- 7 Important Answers

    1. What is Enlightenment? Enlightenment means true understanding and comprehension of the being, the world and the wider universe, and a freedom from misconceptions and illusions. It involves an ability to transcend the ego and a freedom...