• how to stop feeling miserable
    How to Stop Feeling Miserable in 5 Steps

    Sometimes you wake up feeling as if the world does not matter, anymore. There’s no point in trying, and why don’t we all just give up? You’re not the only one—many people feel this way at certain...

  • how to overcome social phobia
    How to Overcome Social Phobia in 6 Easy Ways

    How to overcome social phobia is a major concern for many people. For them, meeting others in a social, unregulated context can be associated with nervousness, awkwardness, even a deep sense of panic. The first tip you...

  • how to find happiness
    How to Find Happiness Quickly in 7 Steps

    The matter of how to find happiness is not about covering great distances to find a physical thing, but about searching it within or around you. It’s about realizing the quiet beauty of the leaf-dappled shade, or...

  • how to deal with depression and anxiety, depression
    How to Deal with Depression and Anxiety in 3 Most Powerful Steps

    Most psychologists agree that there is one basic difference between depression and anxiety. Depression is often, based on its manifestations, a kind of shutting down, the individual drowning in a sense of hopelessness and despair from which...

  • ways to cope with anxiety
    4 Ways to Cope with Anxiety Naturally

    Do you feel anxious a lot? Are you constantly worrying and stressing over things to the point where it has affected your quality of life? A little bit of anxiety is normal, but anything more than that...

  • personal development methods
    4 Top Personal Development Methods

    Do you strive to be the best person that you can be? Is there an area of your life that you want to excel in? Most people have at least one personal development goal that they are...

  • ways to calm the mind
    5 Effective Ways to Calm the Mind

    We are bombarded from all sides with all kinds of noises and visuals that produce nothing but disquietude: from the movies we see, from the billboards and advertisements we encounter on the road to work, from colleagues...