• how to find peace within
    Effective Tips on How to Find Peace Within

    Peace is one thing that most people desire but only few have received. The noise and clutter of the high-technology world have given way to a number of luxuries that were never thought of in the past...

  • how to increase intuition
    How to Increase Intuition

    Have you experienced having to do something because you feel that you have to do it even if you do not find it practical or logical? For instance, you are already driving away from your house and...

  • i wanna live life from a new perspective
    Self-Improvement Tips: I Wanna Live Life from a New Perspective

    Let’s admit it, nobody is perfect. Nobody’s life is perfect. Even that person with whom you’ve always been envious of, he/she isn’t perfect. I’m 100% sure that if you ask any person about his/her life, there would...

  • increase wisdom
    5 Effective Ways to Increase Wisdom

    If there’s one thing that you should aspire to have more of, it’s wisdom. Wisdom actually has a lot of different meanings. It will depend on who you ask, and in what context you are referring to....

  • carpe diem. seize the day
    5 Ways to Seize the Day (Carpe Diem)

    You have probably seen the 1989 film ‘Dead Poets Society’ which starred Robin Williams—we know some people who have seen the movie dozens of times, and are planning to watch it countless times more—and if you have,...

  • how to achieve enlightenment
    How to Achieve Enlightenment: 11 Useful Strategies

    There are many paths that lead towards enlightenment. Enlightenment is freedom. This freedom creates pure joy and happiness. It is the ability to transcend everyday thoughts, feelings and emotions, knowing that everything is transient and will pass....

  • what is spiritual awareness
    What is Spiritual Awareness? Eight Questions Answered

    1. What is Spiritual Awareness? There is no simple or straight-forward answer to the question “What is spiritual awareness?” It is subjective depending on your beliefs and means different things for different people. Some people believe that...