Want To Discover Your Passion? Ask Yourself These 4 Questions

how to find your passion

If you are one of those people lucky enough to have discovered their passion in life, then you know the true essence of joy. Your life is a dazzling display of inspiration, excitement, success and achievement. You jump out of bed each morning looking forward to an exhilarating, fulfilling day.

Sadly, most of us settle for lives that lack sizzle and sparkle and we spend our days in a daily grind that eventually kills the spirit and starves the soul. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The path to your passion is not as elusive as you may think.

No matter how old you are, where you live or what you are currently doing, your passion is within your reach. And when you find it you will experience a level of joy and fulfillment you never dreamed possible.

Answer these four questions to help you discover your true passion and purpose in life:

  • What are your strengths? What is it that you are good at doing? Do you excel at teaching, coaching, selling, painting, listening, cooking or writing? Maybe gardening is your thing or perhaps you have a gift for drawing. Do have a gift for public speaking?
  • What excites you? Is there a particular activity or topic that makes your eyes light up? Think about what makes you smile. When is the last time that you became so totally absorbed in something that you lost track of time? Chances are the thing that makes you happy is an indicator of your passion. We are naturally drawn to the things that make us smile because they nourish our souls.
  • What ignites your creative spark? Many of us settle for mundane jobs because we opt for money instead of finding the thing that unleashes our creativity. What would you do if money weren’t an object? What did you dream of as a child?
  • What do you fear? Fear is one of the biggest obstacles that stands between people and their dreams. The inner critic resides deep in the soul and is always ready with a discouraging word or thought. Don’t listen. Develop positive affirmations and say them out loud several times a day. Find ways to banish fear and you can unlock the door to your passion.

Banish Your Fears Through Meditation

If you discover that you have limiting emotions that keep you from moving toward your dreams, then you should try meditation. When you spend some quiet time alone with your thoughts it becomes easier to identify damaging beliefs so you are better able to dispense with them. Meditation literally changes the patterns of your brainwaves so that you replace feelings of limitation with feelings of motivation and a spirit of renewal.
The calm, focused breathing associated with meditation promotes a relaxation response that promotes inner peace and clarity. This helps promote harmony within so that you are in a better frame of mind to achieve your goals. Meditation puts you in touch with your inner essence which is where many of life’s questions can be answered.

Life is too short for mediocrity. Why settle for a mundane existence when you have it within you to soar like the eagles? Practice daily meditation so that you can move forward in your quest for the passion that will make each day a dazzling array of possibilities. It’s time to move forward with the life you deserve.

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