Want to Simplify Your Life? The Benefits of Minimalism

benefits of minimalism

Minimalism is simplification: getting rid of what is extraneous or superfluous and keeping what is essential. Minimalism as a practice can apply to food, design, fashion, work, or lifestyle as a whole. Each person has his own choices to make in terms of living his life. Everyone has his own priorities and predilections. But very few will contest that the principle of minimalism has its advantages, not the least being contentment with what you’ve got and what you do and how you live. If one is to choose minimalism, it would have to be for its much-touted benefits.

Do you value your SPACE? Get rid of excess baggage.

Minimalism gets rid of the clutter in our lives. Overflowing bookshelves and cramped closets are but manifestations of our acquisitiveness; whether we put stock in knowledge or image, we will eventually run out of space. Getting rid of the excess and keeping what is essential – or living the minimalist life – means you’ll have the space to breathe, thrive and be weightless. If you want to move on with your life, it will be easier to bring less baggage. If you want to bring something (or someone?) new into your life, you have to create space for that. The same can be said of grudges and hurts – keep them with you, and you’ll have no room to grow and love anew.

Do you value your FREEDOM? Don’t get bogged down.

Modern day living can be very stressful. We are overwhelmed by the amount of work and sheer volume of information that we daily sift through. Easy accessibility also means a bombardment of demands via various media, be it email, phone call, or text message. There are only so few hours in a day, and so many needs to be met… but how many of your activities are truly essential? How many of those emails are spam? Are you merely passing the time on the phone? Do you say what you need to say in a single text message, or multiples? Are the minutiae of your job so demanding that you miss out on family time? Ultimately, how much time do you lose in the important stuff because of the buildup of non-essentials?

Can you AFFORD the COSTS? You owe it to yourself.

How much of the debt we incur in sustaining our lifestyle is justifiable? We spend so much time and effort paying back our debts, when we owe it to ourselves to spend most of our waking life doing something we love, being with someone we love, and paying it forward. You owe it to yourself to evaluate what you absolutely must do to keep what you cannot live without. Otherwise, you are just wasting your valuable time and money (and perhaps making someone else rich). If you cannot afford the cost, perhaps you can well afford the loss.

Have you found your PURPOSE? Meditate on it.

The difference between living and existing is purpose. You exist because you cannot do otherwise; you really start to live when you discover your purpose. Once you have found your passion in life, this can become your focus. You can do extraordinary things if you put your mind to it. Or you can live an ordinary life and still be fulfilled. If you feel that you’re missing something, if you feel burdened by cares, if you are fixated on acquiring things that you suspect you do not really need, perhaps it’s time to look inside yourself and discover what kind of life you really want to lead. Meditation leads to a clarity of purpose. Take a gander into your soul, and find the key to your lasting happiness.

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