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4 great tips for lucid dreaming

If you have ever experienced the freedom and euphoria that come from lucid dreaming, then you probably want to experience it more. Lucid dreaming refers to a dream state in which you are aware and where you can become an active participant in the dream. Lucid dreaming can give you a feeling of freedom like no other and allow you to access a totally new plane of reality. Practitioners of lucid dreaming often find answers to difficult questions and dilemmas during the experience of lucid dreaming and find that their entire experience of reality alters and expands.
Here are 4 great tips for enhancing your experience of lucid dreaming:
1. Meditation
This is without doubt the most important and effective way to become more proficient at dreaming lucidly. Meditation works by slowing your brain patterns. These patterns are similar to what you experience in various dream states. Meditating helps you become familiar with deeper levels of consciousness, so that when you experience awareness during a dream you are less likely to wake due to the surprise of the experience.
As you increase your proficiency at meditating you may even find you are able to transition directly from a state of meditation to lucid dreaming. The ability to do this typically requires an advanced amount of proficiency at meditation but those who have achieved this ability speak of an immense feeling of freedom and a feeling of deep connection with the universe.
2. Set your alarm
Set your alarm to wake yourself at the time of night you are most likely to be experiencing REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. This is the dreaming phase of sleep. As you progress through a number of sleep cycles during the night, the length of time you are in REM sleep lengthens and the cycle deepens. So, try setting your alarm at around 6 hours at first- you may need to experiment with the time as everyone is different. When you awake, get up and walk around for a few minutes. Practice affirmations as you are going back to sleep such as ‘I will recognize my dreams and be an active participant”. When you return to sleep you are more likely to have some ‘remnant consciousness’ and be able to become aware of your dream states.
3. Become more mindful
Do you drift through your life in a daze? Learning to increase your awareness of your surroundings and environment, being more ‘mindful’ can help to increase your attunement with your inner self. This can help greatly with the process of learning lucid dreaming. But go easy on yourself! These techniques require persistence and practice and a gentle touch. Much like yoga, stretching your mind and awareness happens slowly, over time. Rushing things too much will not help.
4. Use reality checks
This is a tricky one to get your head around, but really one of the most effective techniques of all. If you are wondering why you would do a reality check when you know you are not asleep then the point is to train your mind to react to a certain trigger so that it will happen as well when you are asleep.
It is a good idea to use things or people that reoccur often in your dreams as your trigger. For example, if your dog is often with you in your dreams, perform a reality check whenever you see him. A popular way to check for physical reality is to find something written down and read it and then look away. When you look again if the writing stays the same you are awake and if it has altered you are most likely dreaming. Clocks, both digital and analogue, also usually behave strangely in dreams. If you do encounter a trigger in your dream and your reality check tells you that you are dreaming then congratulations, you have begun lucid dreaming.
Lucid dreaming can be a life-changing experience that can lead to a feeling of freedom and deep access to your subconscious. Following these simple tips for lucid dreaming can help to start you on the path to experiencing this great experience in your own life.
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