How to Harness Your Subconscious Mind

subconscious mind

We often hear about our conscious and subconscious minds. What does this really mean? How are these two minds separated, and how are they connected? Here, we’ll explore the subconscious, answering some common questions while taking a look at what your subconscious can do for you.

What is the Subconscious?

Our subconscious minds are a bit like master computers. They store and process all the information we take in. Billions of bits of information are registered by our subconscious. Obviously, if we gave conscious attention to all this information, we’d never get anything done. Our subconscious filters out the important information while quickly filing away the unimportant.

Believe it or not, your subconscious remembers everything – literally. When tapped, your subconscious mind could recall exactly what you ate for breakfast on the first day of kindergarten! However, since this is not important information, it is stored away so deeply that we assume we’ve forgotten. The subconscious is a master of organization.

Our Minds on Autopilot

Our subconscious minds can also be thought of as our own personal autopilot settings. Think back to when you learned to drive a car. You could barely hold a conversation, so intent were you on keeping the car on the road. Today, you can talk on the phone (hands-free, of course), listen to music and do many other things, all while safely obeying traffic laws. Why? Because your subconscious has also learned to drive through repetition and practice, and essentially takes over. If something which requires conscious thought occurs – such as a dog darting into the road – the conscious quickly takes over in order to swerve and avoid an accident. All this takes place without our knowledge – we don’t think to switch into conscious thought; it just happens.

When Conscious and Subconscious Connect

Breathing exercises are a very popular mind control method, partially because they include one of the very few actions which can be performed consciously or subconsciously – breathing. Before you just thought of it, you weren’t focused on your breathing. Your subconscious was doing all the work for you. However, when you choose, you can consciously control your breathing as well, and doing so is an excellent way to get in touch with your inner self.

How the Subconscious Learns

We all program our subconscious minds. We’re often just not aware we’re doing so. The subconscious learns through practice and repetition. This is precisely why affirmations must be repeated in order to ‘take hold,’ in our minds. It’s also why negative self talk (I’m always late, I never remember things on time) is so damaging – our subconscious hears this and begins to see it as truth.

It’s also important to realize that the subconscious does not understand negative statements. All affirmations, suggestions and other subconscious-directed statements must be stated in a positive manner. “I have” or “I do” is much better than “I don’t.” Very basic to the law of attraction.

Putting Your Subconscious to Work

Since the subconscious listens to what we tell it and can be programmed, it only makes sense that tapping the power of the subconscious can literally transform your life.

There are many books and guides out there, offering a wide variety of ways to use the power of your subconscious. In fact, there are so many, it’s hard to know which one to trust. It’s also easy to assume that they’re all useless – that the people who claim to have successfully tapped into the power or their subconscious are either lying, smarter than we are, or just plain crazy.

Not true! Anybody can use the power of their subconscious mind, and it doesn’t take expensive books. All it takes is a few tools, dedication and practice.

Affirmations Can Help

Be specific and clearly visualize your goal. Do this as often as you can. Right before bed is a great time, because our subconscious is closer to the surface right as we fall asleep. However, the subconscious is always listening, so silently repeat your goals every time you think of them.

Whenever possible, frame your suggestions in the present tense. Instead of ‘I want to be healthy,” say “I feel healthy, vibrant and strong.” Really go for it and use positive, forceful language – after all, nobody will hear it but you!

Belief & Visualization to Re-Program Your Subconscious

The basis of every single technique out there is visualizing what you want to happen in your life. This might be general good health, a happy marriage or a promotion at work. Whatever it is, you simply need to focus on it, believing it to already exist in the present. Then follow your intuitive subconscious towards your goal.

The subconscious is very complex, but also very simple. Once it understands a concept, it will work toward that concept until it is convinced otherwise. That’s really all there is to it – convince your subconscious of something and it will do all in its power to get you there.

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