How to Increase your Memory: 4 Powerful Strategies

how to increase memorymind power

Increasing your memory’s potential is something that concerns a large number of people, especially those who are beginning to notice an age-related decline in memory function. There are several easy ways in which you can stop your memory from deteriorating, and potentially improve its function at the same time.

Change your diet

There are a number of foods that are known to improve the function of the brain and help to prevent the onset of memory problems. Oily fish such as salmon and mackerel contain high levels of omega 3 fatty acid, which is found in high quantities in the brain and is vital for the correct function of the organ.

Fruits such as apples contain high levels of antioxidants, which are incredibly beneficial for the brain. Don’t peel these fruit, as many of the important chemicals are found in or near to the skin.

You may also be surprised to find that coffee is able to help prevent memory problems and dementia, due to the high levels of antioxidants it contains. So, although it may be wise to cut down your coffee intake if you drink several cups each day, don’t stop completely, as it does confer some benefits too.

Keep your brain active

Whether you enjoy crosswords, Sudoku, reading or any other form of intellectual activity, keeping your brain active is vital to both preserving and improving your memory function. Find time to do something challenging each day, even if it is simply the crossword from your daily newspaper. If you don’t use the brain capacity and memory that you possess, you will begin to lose its function.

Give meditation a go

Meditation is an excellent way to improve your memory. It increases the amount of grey matter that is present, which processes information, and also the amount of white matter will be increased, which connects the different parts of the brain. Meditation means that the entire brain is working together in a process known as whole brain synchronisation.

Light meditation produces alpha brainwave patterns, which help you to learn and process information more effectively than you would otherwise be able to do. The next stage of meditation, which involves theta brainwaves, is good for problem solving and creativity.

The state of calm that meditation promotes is also beneficial for the memory, as it encourages relaxation and helps to reduce stress, which is not conducive to improving memory function.

Look after your body, too

When you are feeling fit and healthy, your memory seems to function more effectively. So, take a look at the amount of exercise you are doing, and try to increase it gradually. Even simple things like taking the stairs instead of the lift will help. Exercise will help to boost the blood flow to the brain, which is important for proper functioning of the memory and to improve the memory’s capacity.

These four simple tips for keeping your mind active are just some of the easy ways in which you can maintain and improve on your memory function, both now and in the future. Regular use of the brain functions and capacity is the best way in which to keep your memory active, as it really is a case of “use it or lose it”. There will be a mentally stimulating activity that you enjoy, so look around and try different things until you find something that you want to do on a regular basis. Doing a challenging mental activity every day will stimulate your brain and you will, over time, notice an improvement in your memory and how easily you are able to complete the puzzles.

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