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How to Live a Long and Healthy Life – Five Key Steps

How to live a long and healthy life is a question that many people will find themselves asking at some point. While it is never a guarantee, there are steps you can take to ensure that you have the best possible chance of staying healthy for many years to come.
Sort out your diet
Improving your diet is one of the easiest ways to make sure you are healthier. Try cutting out as many processed foods as you can, and replace them with fresh fruit, vegetables and lean meat. This will cut out a large proportion of the food additives that can, over time, have a negative impact on your health. Cutting down on your alcohol intake will also be extremely beneficial to your health, and will reduce the strain on your liver.
Exercise regularly
Regular exercise will help to reduce your weight and increase fitness. This will help to improve your health by reducing blood pressure and maintaining a healthy body weight. It can also help to strengthen your immune system and prevent you from becoming ill as often. Exercise will help you to feel better because it causes the body to produce higher levels of endorphins, which give the feeling known as “runner’s high” – a sense of increased well-being.
It doesn’t matter what form of exercise you choose to do, as long as it is something that gets you moving and that you enjoy, because this means you will continue with it in the long term.
Try meditation
Meditation does not improve your physical health directly, but it is a good way to relax and feel more at peace with yourself. Meditation promotes calmness by altering the brainwave patterns from beta to alpha, which gives a more relaxed feel. It also promotes the production of various natural chemicals in the body that help to prevent a wide range of mental health problems, including serotonin and endorphins. The chemical DHEA can help to alleviate depression and also boost the immune system – this is also increased by regular meditation.
The hormone cortisol accelerates the ageing process, and as a result can be harmful to your body by increasing cholesterol and blood pressure, leading to health conditions such as heart attacks and strokes. Meditation helps to reduce the levels of cortisol in the body, slowing the ageing process and reducing your risk of heart and other related problems.
Get plenty of sleep
The majority of adults do not get as much sleep as they really need. Being tired reduces the function of your immune system, and also leads to increased stress levels. Make sure you allow yourself time to unwind and relax before you go to bed, as this will help you to sleep better. Unless you are able to achieve a state of deep sleep, then you will wake up feeling as though you are not refreshed. Another tip would be to avoid alcohol before you sleep – although it may help you to fall asleep, it can also lead to a restless night and feeling tired again the following morning.
Stop smoking
You have probably heard this one many times, but if you are serious about living a long, healthy life, then you will need to stop smoking. Smoking leads to a wide range of health problems, including various cancers, heart conditions, chronic breathing problems and many more.
Staying healthy and living a long life will depend on how well you can reduce your risk of chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure. These tips, when followed regularly, should help you to achieve your goal of a long, healthy life.
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