• how to increase brain power
    How to Increase Brain Power with Seven Proven Methods

    Contrary to popular belief, we are not born with a certain amount of brain power at our disposal. Through practice and consistent use of valuable techniques, we can actually increase our brain power. Those increases can be...

  • visualisation techniques
    4 Powerful Visualization Techniques

    It’s no secret that visualization can be a powerful tool. Everyone has experienced some kind of visualization in their lives. Professional athletes are known for using visualization to get ‘in the zone’ before a game. Basically, they...

  • secrets of the subconscious mind
    Four Secrets of the Subconscious Mind You May Not Know

    Most people are aware that our brains operate in two general ways – the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind controls our regular, day to day activities. Things like driving a car, writing down a note,...

  • mind improvement tips
    Six Easy to Use Mind Improvement Tips

    We all strive to improve throughout the course of our lives. That never-ending pursuit of betterment is part of what makes our lives enjoyable and satisfying. We often think about improving our bodies through exercise, or bettering...

  • how to control your subconscious
    Six Thoughts on How to Control Your Subconscious

    The subconscious mind is a strange, almost surreal thing to think about. It can be hard to separate within our own heads what is conscious and subconscious thought. We know that the subconscious mind is a powerful...

  • how to enhance memory
    6 Ways to Enhance Memory

    You’ve heard the saying, “Use it or lose it?” Well, when it comes to brain power, this is true. Scientists now know that the human mind is ‘neuroplastic,’ meaning it can change and adapt. The brain can...

  • how to improve brain function
    8 Ways to Improve Brain Function

    You may be wondering how to improve brain function. Authors of a new book, Use it or Lose It, tell us that your brain can continue to function effectively and actively if you know what to do....