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Using Meditation for Enlightenment- 7 Important Answers

1. What is Enlightenment?
Enlightenment means true understanding and comprehension of the being, the world and the wider universe, and a freedom from misconceptions and illusions. It involves an ability to transcend the ego and a freedom from material wants and desires. Enlightened people are not driven by their emotions, and have rid themselves of fear, anger, upset and desire. People feel greater compassion and are more inclined to develop healthier and mutually beneficial relationships.
Enlightenment can also be described as spiritual liberation and an understanding on why we are here, and the roles we play during our lifetimes and beyond.
More and more people are starting to realize the great powers locked away in our core beings, and are using meditation as a means of tapping into this great source of knowledge and understanding.
2. What is Meditation?
Meditation can be used for various means, including stress relief, anxiety management and pain relief. It is not necessarily used only by those seeking enlightenment. However, for those choosing to take this journey and seek out how to become more in tune with their inner selves, meditation is an invaluable step on the road to enlightenment.
Meditation is a means by which the mind is calmed, the body relaxed and a way for people to escape from the stresses and strains of everyday life.
3. Why is Meditation Used for Enlightenment?
Meditation has been used as a way of providing enlightenment across many different cultures and civilizations throughout history. It allows people to contemplate and reflect upon issues in a calm and guided manner, free from the distractions of an otherwise busy and sometimes hectic life.
Enlightenment is a major benefit of repeated meditation. This is where you allow your mind to reach its greatest potential, bringing your sub-consciousness into your consciousness.
It is important to meditate when seeking enlightenment, not only as a means of becoming more in tune with your inner self, but also to remind yourself that you are not inextricably linked by your own conscious thoughts. The freedom and power that this feeling can bring is in itself a rewarding one.
Meditation can help people to awaken extra senses that lie dormant inside; as well as the typical five senses, those who are enlightened have use of extra senses and are guided by energies within, including intuitiveness and awareness.
4. Why do People Seek Enlightenment?
Many people seek enlightenment as a means of bettering themselves and the world around them. Those who trust in their inner strengths can gain an incredible confidence. Harmony and oneness between the mind and body helps the soul to find unity, and for people to feel complete.
The ultimate goal on the journey for enlightenment is a freedom from suffering and to be able to live a happy, harmonious and fulfilling life.
5. What Skills or Tools do I Need?
The only skill required is the ability to look inwardly, and think about what is inside. Some people use tools and methods such as rune stones, palmistry, divination and tarot cards to help them focus.
Mantras and affirmations can be used during mediation to enhance your levels of spiritual consciousness. The words can be spoken out loud, or thought over and over in your mind. Any repetition helps to prevent your mind from straying, and keeping you focused in the here and now.
6. Can Anybody Help Me?
A spiritual teacher can help you on the path to enlightenment, and some people find it beneficial to join a meditation group, or spiritual group where they can discuss ideas with others seeking the same goals, as well as picking up tips and techniques.
7. What Should I Do?
Stretch and then relax your muscles before you begin any form of meditation, paying close attention to each individualized group of muscles.
It is sometimes good to set a timer so that you do not try and maintain a meditative state for too long, especially as a beginner, when it can feel difficult to stay peaceful and still for prolonged periods of time.
Ending your meditation is equally as important as beginning it. Slowly move your limbs, stretching them out, whilst focusing on your breathing and your immediate surroundings. Allow yourself a couple of moments to readjust back to your conscious mind.
Some people recommend performing your enlightenment processes in the same place and at the same time each day. This is not entirely necessary, but may help you reach a meditative state quicker and easier.
After each meditation, you may experience doubt when you re-enter your regular life. For this reason, it is important that you take time out to perform meditation on a regular basis.
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