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What You Should Know About Anxiety Attack Cures

Anxiety attacks can make you feel helpless. With your heart racing and the horrible feeling of discomfort, it can be impossible to try to live a normal life. Many people search the Internet in hopes of finding anxiety attack cures and while there may not be a “cure” for anxiety attacks, they are certainly treatable and it is possible to reduce your symptoms to almost nothing. To help you, we’ve put together a list of effective methods of treating anxiety attacks.
Get Plenty of Exercise
Sometimes we have anxiety attacks as the result of an overwhelming amount of stress that has built up over time. One of the best ways to reduce these attacks is to manage your stress effectively. Exercise is an excellent way to eliminate stress and keep your mind more balanced during the day. Running, weightlifting, yoga and even walking your dog are all great ways to exercise.
Reduce or Eliminate Caffeine
Most medical professionals will tell you that caffeine can cause anxiety attacks for some people. Caffeine increases your heart rate and can make you feel lightheaded as well. If you’re having anxiety attacks, caffeine should be eliminated or avoided until you are no longer having the attacks.
Practice Meditation
Meditation is one of the best ways to fight back against anxiety attacks and when you practice meditation on a regular basis, you are training your mind to be more calm and focused. Furthermore, there are physiological benefits to meditation that will help counteract the underlying causes of your anxiety attacks. For example, anxiety can be the result of an imbalance in the level of serotonin in the brain. Meditation will help increase your natural serotonin and regulate it, which can result in fewer anxiety attacks.
Talk to Someone
If you are in the middle of an anxiety attack, you can feel like you’re losing your grip on the world. One effective method for handling anxiety attacks is to talk to someone. If you have someone like a family member who is aware of your anxiety attacks, it can be helpful to call them and talk to them until the anxiety attack subsides. This will distract you from the uncomfortable feelings you’re having and help you realize that you’re not alone.
Practice Regulating Your Breathing
Anxiety attacks can cause shortness of breath and this tends to make you feel lightheaded or dizzy. If you practice deep breathing techniques then you will be much more able to bring yourself down from an anxiety attack by providing your brain with oxygen. If you’re in the middle of a panic attack, take long and deep breaths as you countdown from 10 to 1. Close your eyes as you do this and try not to open them until you have repeated the process 5 or 6 times. Once you have finished you should feel much more relaxed and peaceful.
Find a Distraction
You know when you are having an anxiety attack that you are not in immediate danger but many people will say that the worst part of anxiety attacks is the discomfort and feeling that you are not in control. Sometimes the best way to fight back against anxiety is to find a distraction. If you are at home, open a pad of paper and begin drawing and do not stop until the anxiety has subsided. Going for a walk, working on a puzzle or simply listening to the radio can help take your mind off of the anxiety.
You deserve to live a happy and healthy life that is free of anxiety attacks. Doctors may not have found anxiety attack cures that work 100% of the time, but if you follow the above steps you will be able to manage your anxiety much more effectively. In time, you may even eliminate the anxiety attacks altogether!
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