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Six Easy Ways to Find Happiness Within

Ultimately, we are alone in this world. Having support and love from friends and family around is great, but we are all eventually on our own to make our way and find happiness and satisfaction. Many people spend their whole lives searching for satisfaction in external places – money, fame, and status are all common examples. Most of the people who reach those aspirations realize that was not what they needed to find satisfaction at all. In the end, true happiness has to come from within. This article aims to provide you with six ways that you can look inside yourself and find the happiness you have long desired.
– Let Yourself Laugh. Sometimes people get so wrapped up in the seriousness of their careers and life goals that they forget what it’s like to laugh. Make sure you take time each day to laugh. It doesn’t matter what you laugh at – maybe find a funny book, watch a comedy you enjoy, or simply laugh at yourself from time to time. Showing your happiness on the outside through laughter will help you feel true happiness on the inside.
– Be Healthy. It is hard to be truly happy when you know deep down that you are neglecting your health. Eating right and getting regular exercise will give you a great feeling inside that you are taking care of yourself. With that concern off of your mind, you will be much closer to feeling happiness from within yourself.
– Find Other Happy People. While happiness has to come from within yourself eventually, surrounding yourself with people who have found their happiness is a great way to get you to that point. Negative and pessimistic people have a way of dragging you down into their ways of thinking. Do you best to break ties with people who only want to complain and put down others. Spend the maximum amount of time with friends that inspire you to be happy. If you have a particularly close friend that falls on the negative side, have a serious talk with them about what you are trying to do. Hopefully, they will be interested in joining you on a journey toward finding happiness from within. This way you can work together and help each other along the way.
– Find Your Triggers. Different activities create feelings of happiness in different people. Figure out what things you can do in your life that genuinely make you feel happy. It doesn’t matter what other people think. If you find happiness in a (legal) activity, go for it. You cannot buy happiness, but you can put yourself in situations that cultivate feelings of happiness within you.
– You are Worthy. Many people are not happy simply because they don’t feel like they deserve it. Everyone is entitled to feeling happy – it is not a right that has to be earned. The road toward true happiness from within starts by simply understanding that it is okay to be happy. You don’t need to prove anything first. Don’t wait until you reach career goals or make a certain amount of money before you allow yourself to relax and be happy. Life is short, and gets shorter every day – be proud of who you are and know that you deserve happiness in your life.
– Meditate. Meditation goes along nicely with the previous point. When you meditate regularly, you are able to look inside yourself and see you for what you really are. That clarity can help you to understand that happiness is a choice you can make for yourself. You don’t need permission, and there are no qualifications. Using meditation is a great way to find happiness from within.
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