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4 Natural Treatments For Bi-Polar Disorder That Can Change Your Life

For those who have been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder there is a strong chance that medication has been prescribed to suppress and control it. Unfortunately for many people, the very medication that is meant to control bi-polar disorder can also result in some very unpleasant side effects. So much so in fact, that they often refuse to continue with the treatment. With this in mind, more and more patients are turning to natural treatments for bipolar disorder. So without further ado… let’s check some out.
There are many natural herbs which have calming properties and as such can be very helpful when treating bi-polar disorder. They are used very successfully in conjunction with lower doses of medication and may include Lavender and Passiflora Incarnata as well as other natural plants such as Tarentula Cubensis and Hyoscamus. Also falling into this category are mineral salts such as Kalium Phosphate, Natrium Phosphate, and Natrium Sulphate.
Diet changes
You may be surprised to learn that simply by making tweaks or changes in your diet can have an impact on your bi-polar disorder. For example, foodstuffs that are known to aggravate the problem are gluten, alcohol, some food additives, corn, wheat, and dairy products. Unfortunately they don’t have the same effect for everyone. Therefore try omitting them all from your diet, and slowly re-instate them one by one every couple of days or so. If for example one specific food group has no effect after reinstating it then bring another food type on board. In many cases the problems are caused by wheat and gluten, but not always.
Omega 3 fatty acids
Omega 3 is one of the best Bipolar disorder natural treatments. It is a substance known to aid production of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the body. In effect serotonin is known to make us feel happy, content, and generally improves our mood. In fact studies have shown that when we feel down, depressed, and generally fed up, it is because we have low levels of this neurotransmitter in our bodies. Omega 3 is mostly found in oily fish such as salmon or mackerel. If you don’t eat much fish, particularly the oily variety, then you may be missing out on essential omega 3. However you can buy it in capsule form from most health food stores.
There are studies that show a close link between meditation and the ability to control and uplift your mood. It does this by making changes to the brainwave patterns. For instance, normally our brains transmit what are known as beta waves. This is where we can harbor feelings of anger, stress, alertness, and depression. However when we go into light relaxation or meditation these signals change from beta into alpha brainwaves. This is where habits, fears and phobias begin to melt away in an altogether peaceful and harmonious state. In addition meditation increases neuroplasticity. This is where the brain is stimulated to increase chemical endorphins such as serotonin. Endorphins are commonly known as a ‘natural highs’ and are often found in the body after periods of intense exercise or pleasure. They are uplifting and can give you a real buzz. Simple or light meditation can also boost natural chemicals such as GABA and DHEA. These are known to stabilize mood disorders and help with depression.
There is more research being done on natural treatments for bipolar disorder and this is really just the tip of the iceberg. It’s good to know that you can make a difference in the way you look at, and indeed treat your bi-polar disorder, by thinking naturally. If these treatments are used alongside natural medication, then there is no reason why you can’t be in control of your disorder, instead of it being in control of your life.
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