8 Things you can do to Increase Your Intelligence

how do you increase your intelligence

Can intelligence be improved upon? This concept sparked the interest of society when French psychologist Alfred Binet devised the first IQ test. The good news is that you can increase your intelligence. Psychological researchers have found two approaches to improving brainpower and IQ. One involves cognitive training and the other deals with the use of pharmacological interventions. Clinical studies found that around 50% of attempts to improve intelligence were successful.

While genetics determine a large portion of our intelligence, there are still some regions in which it can be flexible. Scientists divide intellect into two general categories: crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence. Crystallized intelligence is the acquisition of intellectual skills, such as the ability to comprehend or read. This form tends to improve as we age and become more educated. Fluid intelligence, on the other hand, is the ability to reason in an abstract way, leading to problem solving. This type of astuteness tends to decline with age. Find out how you can improve your intelligence by doing a few new things and a few things differently.

1. Exercise

Exercise your brain and body. Like a muscle, your brain needs exercise. Exercise energizes your body, and this leads to a wave of energy to your brain. Exercise helps you concentrate better and makes learning easier. The more you use your brain in the right ways, the more skilled of a thinker you become. You can increase your ability to focus by exercising your brain. Remember, if you don’t use it, you lose it.

2. Meditation

Because meditation increases neuroplasticity, the brain is more able to make physiological changes for the better. Also, meditation increases gray and white brain matter. Gray matter is responsible for processing information, and white matter affects communication skills.

3. Don’t Watch Television

This is hard to accept, but it is a proven fact. Watching television doesn’t require you to think much or use your mental capacity. Furthermore, watching the lighted box for a long time saps the energy from you and leaves you feeling drained. When you want to relax, read a book or work a crossword puzzle instead of turning on the tube.

4. Read Challenging Selections

Speaking of reading, this skill enhances the mind’s ability to comprehend and encourages critical thinking. Choose books that you have never read before, ones that offer more aptitude.

Good choices include events magazines, multi-content periodicals, and newspapers. Avoid popular suspense fiction, as these books are not mentally stimulating. Instead, choose a classic novel. Take the time to look up words you do not know.

5. Get Plenty of Rest

We’ve all heard, “early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”. Well, psychologists believe that getting adequate sleep makes you smarter. You will feel more revitalized if you go to bed early and get at least 8 hours of sleep. Also, waking up early allows you to be more productive and maximizes your mental acuity all day.

6. Write

Whenever you can, write about something you’ve read or seen. This will increase kinesthetic and visual stimulation. Also, try writing with your non-dominant hand. This can lead to stimulation of the side of the brain that is opposite of that hand. For example, if you are right handed, write with your left hand for right brain stimulation.

7. Play Video Games

Moms everywhere can give a sigh of relief. Research shows that video games are a fun way to stimulate brain power. Play new games and look for ones that provide you with problems to solve or force your quick thinking abilities. One game that scientists recommend is the popular game Tetris. The scientific studies found that because players become more competent the more they play, their brains use less glucose. Glucose consumption is less when learning takes place.

8. Work on Cryptology, Crosswords, and Sudoku

Cryptology is a logic puzzle that improves brain functioning and intelligence. This puzzle involves a message written in codes for you to solve. Crosswords also stimulate your mind and though processes. Sudoku is a great game that, if practice, can prove stimulating and relaxing.

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