How to Develop Positive Thinking in Just Minutes a Day

How to Develop Positive Thinking

Have your thoughts been a little negative lately? Do you try to stay positive but are struggling to find much good about your life these days? It’s impossible to be happy with your life 100% of the time. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t aim to keep a positive attitude as much as possible. Here are some ideas to get you going in the right direction:

Silence your inner critic. One of the biggest thieves of positive thinking is the voice that talks to us all day long from somewhere deep in our soul. This is the ‘person’ that we trust more than anyone else, so when he or she isn’t positive, we believe that we shouldn’t be either.

How many times has your inner critic told you that you can’t do something? Or, called you names like ‘stupid’ and ‘dumb’ because of an idea you had? If you listen to this type of criticism, no wonder you aren’t feeling as positive as you could.

Just trying to stop the thought doesn’t work. In order to change any area of your life, you have to replace the old behavior with a new behavior. So, next time your inner critic decides to voice their disapproval, start by silencing it. Stop the minute a negative thought enters your head and replace it with a new, reaffirming positive thought.

For instance, let’s say you want to lose weight and find that you keep telling yourself that you ‘can’t’. The minute this thought process starts, stop it and replace that thought with, “I can do this. It may be a struggle, but I’ve survived tough situations before and prevailed. I can do that again now.”

Banish but from your vocabulary. The thing about the word but is that whatever follows it completely wipes out whatever precedes it. For instance, if you say you want to start your own business but don’t have the money, the most important part of the sentence becomes your lack of money. Your desire to be self-employed has now fallen in to the background and lost strength.

Using the word but places emphasis on what you lack, not what you have. With that type of thinking, staying positive is near impossible. It’s when you feel like your life is filled with abundance that positive thinking is the easiest.

When you notice that a but is ready to be released from your lips, stop. Just end the sentence right where it is. “I want to start my own business.” No but. Doesn’t that sound way more positive than “I want to start my own business, but…”?

Practice meditation. When you’re completely alone with your thoughts, you’re able to fully realize damaging beliefs and attitudes the minute they appear. You’re more capable of putting them in their place.

By taking the time to spend a few minutes a day in silence, you get to know, and calm, your fears and desires. You’ll almost effortlessly discover ways to develop new, positive thought processes that will help you reach your goals. How?

Meditation changes your brainwaves patterns. It transforms them from ones of anxiety, depression and stress into ones of harmony, motivation and renewal. It also changes your physical body. It releases feel-good hormones that alleviate depression and stabilize mood.

By taking a minute or two a day, reconnecting with your body, silencing your inner critic and not allowing yourself excuses for failure, you’ll find positive thinking easier than ever. Now, try these three things today and let your positive feelings flow!

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