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How Can I Grow Spiritually? Meditation is Key

Spirituality is a very personal topic for many people, and is intended to enable an individual to discover the values and meanings by which they intend to live. Practices such as meditation are intended to develop this inner being and provide inspiration for life, helping to guide people in making their decisions.
How can meditation help?
Meditation is an ancient practice that has been widely used around the world. It can help to take your mind away from the stress of everyday life, by simply allowing you to focus purely on your breathing. The majority of people today are unable to cope well with silence – there is always something going on around them – and meditation can help you to enjoy the peace and quiet. Being peaceful will help you to focus on your spiritual aims instead of all the day-to-day tasks that you need to do.
The lightest stage of meditation is associated with alpha brainwaves, and promotes peace and harmony. Creativity is enhanced during this stage of meditation, so if inspiration is what you are looking for, then this is your required state of mind.
The next stage of meditation is associated with theta brainwaves, and leads to better insight and intuition. If you are looking to be guided in your choices by your spirituality, then consider trying to reach this state of mind. You may find it easier to then make your decisions.
Try to open your mind
Being spiritual, and allowing yourself to grow spiritually, can only occur when you are open-minded to the possibilities around you. Having a closed mind leads to fear and intolerance, often simply due to a lack of understanding. Be prepared to learn about new ideas; even if you do not agree with them, don’t automatically dismiss them as wrong. It could just be a way of looking at the situation that you have not encountered before.
Eliminate your fears – whether this involves learning about the unknown or trusting that everything will work out right, banish fear as it prevents you from becoming more spiritual. Don’t be disheartened if you find that this is taking more time than you initially thought, as overcoming your fear is not going to be a quick or easy process. However, the fact that you are trying to do so is an important step on your path to increased spirituality, so persevere with it.
Make time for spirituality
In today’s busy lives, people often do not have the time to worry about how to be spiritual. However, it does not have to be a time-consuming process. Take five minutes each day to simply stop what you are doing and allow yourself some quiet, peaceful time alone. How you choose to spend it is entirely up to you – meditate, look at the natural world, think about all of the things you appreciate in life and where you want to be. As long as you are not worrying about your problems, whether at work or home, then you can be spiritual.
Don’t forget about the body, too
Spirituality may be primarily focused on aspects that are not physical, but this is simply a part of your health and well-being. If you do not take sufficient care of your body, then you will not be healthy enough to enjoy your increased spirituality. Make sure that you are eating regular meals, drinking enough fluids, and also getting enough sleep. Deep, dreamless sleep is the deepest level of meditation and is essential for you to feel renewed and refreshed – so you can even be spiritual while you are sleeping.
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