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How to Beat Depression and Anxiety: 4 Powerful Methods

Depression and anxiety are mental health disorders that many people are unwilling to talk about, as though there is a stigma attached to these illnesses. However, by keeping the worries and emotions bottled up inside, this will simply lead to the problems becoming worse over time.
Overcoming anxiety and depression can be done without the need for medication or seeing numerous different doctors and other specialists, but you need to be prepared to work hard and accept that recovery will take a long time.
Start small, but set yourself goals
Depression can be a debilitating condition because it can stop you from going out and doing the activities that you used to enjoy. Set yourself small goals such as going out of the house each day and meeting up with a friend on a regular basis. Try to keep up with any activities or hobbies that you used to do, even when you would feel more comfortable not taking part.
Take care of yourself
Overcoming depression can be done, but it is definitely easier to accomplish when you are taking proper care of yourself. Eating properly and getting enough sleep will help to reduce the symptoms of depression. Getting out of the house, even just for a short walk every day, will also lift your mood. Lack of sunlight is one of the key factors in depression, and exposure to the sun on a regular basis can relieve symptoms.
Get some regular exercise
Being active does not have to involve going to the gym or playing sports. It can be something as simple as a brisk walk, or taking the stairs instead of the lift. Don’t push yourself too hard at the beginning, or you will stop doing any exercise because it stops being enjoyable. Up to thirty minutes of activity each day should be your initial goal. Exercise causes your body to release endorphins, which act as a natural antidepressant and will lift your mood. The positive effects of these endorphins will also decrease the feelings of fatigue and increase your levels of energy. Regular physical activity will maintain an increased level of endorphins and help you to combat depression and anxiety.
Try yoga or meditation
An activity such as yoga, tai chi or meditation will help to calm your mind. Focusing on your breathing and allowing yourself to forget about your worries and fears can be extremely beneficial when dealing with conditions such as depression. Meditation can alter the levels of chemicals in the brain and body, helping to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Increased levels of DHEA is known to combat depression and lead to improvements in a person’s sense of well-being. GABA is another body chemical that is produced in larger amounts as a result of meditation – low levels of GABA lead to tension and anxiety over a long period of time.
Endorphins, the chemicals produced by exercise, can also be produced as a result of meditation. Therefore, combining the two will give you an even better chance of beating your depression or anxiety.
Know when to seek help
Finally, know when you should be seeking professional help. Depression is an illness and sometimes it is not possible to cure it by self-treatment. These tips and suggestions should help to make the symptoms more manageable, but do not despair if they are not sufficient on their own. Each person’s case will be different, so what worked for someone you know may not have the same effect on your depression or anxiety, and this is nothing to worry about. Each person is different and will react in a different way.
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