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How to Stop Feeling Miserable in 5 Steps

Sometimes you wake up feeling as if the world does not matter, anymore. There’s no point in trying, and why don’t we all just give up? You’re not the only one—many people feel this way at certain points in their lives. The important thing, however, is how to stop feeling miserable and regaining your unshakeable sense of direction. Often, all it takes is a realignment of the way you think and regard things. The following steps may help you get back on track.
1. Remember that you are successful
You feel miserable because now you think you have done nothing right. But surely, even the lowest of the low has succeeded in something (that is, to become the lowest of the low, which is an achievement in itself). Kidding aside, though, one of the best means of how to stop feeling miserable is to stop overemphasizing your current “failures,” as you regard them. Recall your past successes and spend a few minutes dwelling in the accomplishments you have had, and think about what made you previously successful. The fact that you have had previous successes—no matter how small—means you have that potential for greatness. It will also help to identify your strengths—maybe you are bad at playing basketball but you’re good with the piano or the saxophone. Identify what you’re good at and work on those strengths.
2. Meditate
Sometimes, the matter of how to stop feeling miserable is an issue of the presence of stress—you think you’re feeling down in the dumps, but you’re actually stressed out, tired to the bone, hating your rote, daily schedule or the demands of the family or your career. And when it comes to stress, there’s nothing more powerful than meditation. Engage in regular meditation a few minutes each day. Scientific studies have proven that meditation can boost your body and brain’s production of feel-good hormones, such as DHEA, melatonin, serotonin and GABA—and this without having to take any drug. You can always do this at home, in some quiet spot in your bedroom, everyday.
3. Be with optimists
Maybe you’ve been hanging around with the wrong people—those sort who always seemed to talk about slitting their wrists or who view the world through a bleak looking glass. Often, the way we feel about ourselves is the result of the personal influences of the people around us. If you’re spending so much time with negative people, then do the opposite—find good, sunshiny happy people and you will quickly experience a sudden shift in mood.
4. Understand that life is an emotional roller coaster
Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down. We can’t help it, it’s just how life is. Even the richest, prettiest, most famous people in this planet are not always in the best of moods—you’ll be surprised that sometimes, even Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise thinks life’s a drag. An important process of how to stop feeling miserable is that what you feel is universal, that it happens to all people regardless of their station in life, that it is only natural. Know that this feeling is temporary, and you’ll immediately sense that it’s not too bad after all.
5. Get out there and hit the pavement
Walk, run, jog, exercise—engaging in any sustained physical activity will make you feel so much better. If there’s a gym near you, go hit the gym. If not, walking is fine, too. Physical activity, especially the aerobic kind, is always the best way to get out of lethargy. A mere 30-minute walk can make a world of difference.
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