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Seven Principles of Achieving Great Success

Is there a goal you want to master to the best of your ability? Is being successful important to you?
Success is definitely within your grasp. And, you can achieve it by using these seven simple principles:
Learn from those before you. If you’re trying to do something that others have been successful at before, let them teach you what worked and what didn’t. While you usually learn best from doing something on your own, you don’t have to learn everything yourself. If someone tells you the fire is hot, you may want to take their word for it.
Have faith you will succeed. So many people give up on their dreams because they lose the faith that they can accomplish them. Thomas Edison is said to have failed a thousand times before he came up with a light bulb that worked. What if he had lost faith on try number 999? You may not reach your goal in the exact way you had intended, but if you keep trying you’ll reach it nonetheless.
Become aware of your thoughts and beliefs. Take the time to sit in silence with yourself and become aware of what is in your mind. It’s called meditation. Taking a few minutes a day to perform this essential function will help you reach higher levels of success than you ever dreamed possible. Let it dissolve your fears, give you valuable insight and renew your spirit.
Look forward to ‘no’. Most people look at a no response as something negative. They let it get them down and drain their resolve. However, remember that you can’t hear no all the time. Eventually, a yes has to appear. So, with every no you receive, you’re one step closer to a yes.
Be willing to work hard. No one achieves success by waiting for it to fall into their lap. It requires a tremendous amount of hard work and dedication to see your dreams come to pass. Sure, some people make it look easy. But, as Michelangelo said, “If people knew how hard I worked to achieve my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful after all.” Put in the time necessary to accomplish your goal.
Nix the naysayers. If there’s someone in your life who is causing you to doubt yourself, remove them. If that’s not a possibility, at least limit your exposure to them. Achieving success is hard enough to do with support. But, when someone is actually trying to tear you away from your dreams, it’s even harder. Don’t let others rob you of the life you want to live. Respect their opinion for what it is, but don’t let it become yours.
Know your intended specific result. Know exactly what you’re working for so that you know once you’ve achieved it. If you say you want to be a successful business person, for instance, what does that mean to you? Is it a certain dollar amount you want to earn monthly or annually? Does it involve retiring at a specific age? What does success mean to you?
Success, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. While we may all have different visions of success, there are common strategies to achieve it. By learning from other successful people, keeping faith in yourself, being aware of your thoughts and beliefs, looking forward to no responses, being willing to work hard, getting rid of unsupportive people and knowing specifically what success means to you, you’ve got all of the principles necessary to reach your goals.
Now, go get your success. It’s waiting for you!
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