Creative Visualization Techniques

creative visualization techniques

Creative visualization occurs when you use your thoughts to manifest reality. In fact, everyone uses creative visualization techniques to some degree in their daily lives. Our imaginations are powerful forces that can tap into our subconscious minds and utilize a unique kind of energy.

You don’t need to change your spiritual beliefs to practice creative visualization, either. World-class athletes, business leaders and celebrities have all talked about how important this process was to creating their success. Follow these tips and you’ll have a more comprehensive understanding of basic creative visualization techniques.

1. Identify Your Goals

Creative visualization should be based on something you are trying to achieve. For example, bodybuilders will typically set weight-lifting goals and first-place trophies as their goals. Your goal should be something that is achievable and help you live a happier and more fulfilling lifestyle.

2. Imagine

At this point you will spend time creating an image in your mind of you achieving the goal. Close your eyes and let the positive feelings move through your body as you imagine the feeling of accomplishment. Try to include all of the five senses as you do this: touching, hearing, tasting, seeing and even smelling what this reality is like. Are there other people there to congratulate you? Where does it take place? The more vivid creation is, the better.

3. Repeat the Visualization

The third step of the process is practice. You should repeat this visualization on a daily basis and add to it. Include more vivid colors and sounds as you add depth and detail to the picture. As you repeat the process, you will be training your subconscious mind to associate this image with your own reality, therefore you want this image to feel natural and real with enough practice. Choose a time of the day where you are not distracted, like right before bedtime to practice this step.

4. Evaluate Your Progress

In this next step of the process, you should evaluate how close you are to your goals. Write down the things in your life that may be preventing you from achieving success and then add solutions to each individual problem. Now, when you practice your visualization, you should imagine what it feels like to overcome each problem individually. Include these accomplishments to your image.

5. Actualization

The final step of the process occurs when you have turned this image into reality. This may be months or even years after you have begun visualizing the goal and that’s why it is important to be patient and to stick with the process. As you accomplish new goals you may find yourself using creative visualization techniques to tackle new obstacles in your life!

Advanced Techniques

Once you have gotten the basics down you may choose to add some of these advanced techniques to your process. These will include more creative and positive emotional responses to help reinforce your manifestation.

• Art

As you develop a clear picture of yourself accomplishing the goal, you may try painting this image or writing a bit of prose about it. The more creative you get with this step, the better.

• Meditation
Meditation can help you clear your mind and become more focused. Countless studies have proven the effectiveness of meditation and you may be surprised at what it can do for your creative visualization.

• Positive Affirmations

“I can do this.”

“I’m ready to accomplish this goal.”

“I deserve this.”

When you include positive thoughts like this into your process you are using your emotions to reinforce the idea. Emotions, when used properly, can be powerful tools to help us stay focused and accomplish goals.

This is an introduction into the basic techniques you can use to turn your imagination into reality. When you use creative visualization consistently and correctly, there will be no limits to what you can accomplish!

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