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5 Pain Management Tools Designed to Give You Relief

Do you spend your days trying to just make it through the pain? Would you give anything to find a way to manage the discomfort or soreness? Make it more livable?
We all experience aches and pains from time to time. We deal with them or work through them as they come and go. But, when the pain becomes constant or chronic, it’s time to take action and get some relief.
Here are 5 pain management tools that can do just that:
One of the most prominent forms of dealing with pain is through pharmaceuticals. If the pain is relatively minor or you have a high pain tolerance, you may opt for something over-the-counter, like aspirin or ibuprofen. If it’s more severe, your doctor may prescribe something stronger.
While taking pain killers can be a viable solution to ease your suffering, you risk becoming addicted which brings on a whole new set of problems. Talk to your doctor if you feel the meds aren’t working or if you think you’re becoming addicted.
Physical Therapy/Exercise
Physical therapists can use their knowledge of the muscles, tendons and bones to design a program to relieve either all or some of your pain. They work to get and keep you as mobile and pain-free as possible. This usually requires regular visits over a predetermined length of time.
You can also exercise on your own to strengthen your body and help either correct painful issues or prevent them from getting worse. For instance, if you suffer from chronic backaches, strengthening your core, or abdominal muscles, will help provide stability for your back and ease some of the pressure.
Of course, if you’re in any sort of pain, make sure to get your doctor’s approval before beginning any sort of exercise program. If you take it upon yourself to do something, you may end up doing more damage than good.
Specialized equipment
Sometimes you can purchase equipment that helps make life easier. For example, you can buy back braces to help you keep the right alignment thereby reducing back pain. Or, you can get special pillows or mattresses that offer more support for your spine.
Depending on your needs and the severity of your situation, certain equipment may be paid for through your medical insurance. You may want to check with them before you purchase anything to see if they’ll cover some or all of the cost.
In cases of extreme pain, surgery may be the only option for relief. A doctor may be able to correct whatever issue is creating havoc on your body. This option is especially important if you have a condition that either worsens in time or doesn’t improve on its own.
Meditation can also help provide relief. Essentially, it helps your get rid of pain naturally. How?
Meditation boosts endorphins. And, endorphins are neurotransmitters that act as natural pain killers. If you’ve ever exercised and experienced runner’s high, you know what it feels like when endorphins are released in your body. You’re able to endure things that you wouldn’t normally be able to endure quite so easily.
One exercise to try is to find a quiet place to sit and just breathe. Breathe in. Breathe out. Place your focus on the air as it fills and leaves your lungs and you’ll distract your mind, lessening the pain seems to be plaguing you.
Living in pain isn’t living. Manage it in a way that works for you and start to experience life again. It’s waiting for you.
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