7 Things To Help You Sleep Better

things to help you sleep

Sometimes when we’ve had a busy or stressful day, it’s often hard to switch off when it’s time to get some ‘shut eye’ and as we are all too probably aware, our bodies need good sleep to recuperate and function properly the next day. There are many over-the-counter medications that can help you sleep but more often than not, you end up feeling a little groggy with a feeling of being ‘hung-over’. With this in mind, let’s check out 7 things to help you sleep…

Food and drink

Surprisingly, the foods you eat can play a large part in how well (or not) you sleep. For instance foods like caffeine and alcohol should be avoided before you go to bed. In addition steer clear of sugary fatty foods such as ice cream as similar to caffeine, sugar will act as an energy boost and hit you full of energy right before you ‘turn in’. Similarly pasta is known to have a high glycemic index meaning that it also plays havoc with your blood sugar levels. On the flip side, a glass of warm milk works wonders as it contains a substance called tryptophan which is known to aid sleep. Herbal teas such as chamomile, valerian root and rose hip also contain natural substances to help you sleep.

Turn your bedroom into a sanctuary

Make your bedroom a really relaxing space. Turn off the TV, change the lighting to something a little less fierce, add a couple of really comfortable pillows and make sure that the room temperature is comfortable but not overly warm. Doing these things have been proven to aid sleep. In addition try to de-clutter your bedroom to make it an inviting space.

Take 30 minutes

If you’ve had a stressful day and simply can’t switch off, then try to take 30 minutes before you go to bed and do something relaxing. Read a chapter of your favourite book, listen to some soft mood music, or have a relaxing bath. All of these things can take help you to switch off and prepare you for sleep.

Timing and routine is everything

If you can, try to sleep the same amount of time every day. The optimal time that a person needs for good sleep varies from person to person but is usually somewhere between 5 – 8 hours. Any more or less than this can have an impact on your sleeping pattern the following night. Try wherever possible to get into a routine of going to bed at the same time, and getting up at the same time, even on weekends. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel.


Simple or light meditation has the ability to focus the person on the here and now. It gives us the opportunity to enjoy silence and be fully aware of our compulsive minds, rather than be caught up in our thoughts and worries which bombard us every single waking hour. Taking time to focus on our breathing allows us to become relaxed as we feel the air slowly flowing in and out of our bodies.


We touched on lighting, but it deserves a category of it’s own as the right lighting is one of the key things to help you sleep naturally. If your room is too light, then you may have problems drifting off to sleep. If it’s too dark, then you may not wake naturally in the morning. Mood lights are a great way of controlling the amount of light that flows into the bedroom and as a result may be worth investing in.

Exercise regularly

Finally, it has been proven that regular exercise can really help you to sleep well. It doesn’t even have to be vigorous exercise. As little as 30 minutes per day, broken up into segments can help. Try walking briskly, taking a cycle ride, even gardening or dreaded housework, can give you enough exercise per day to sleep soundly at night. Besides, it’s good for you too.

So there you have it…7 things to help you sleep naturally. If you are having trouble sleeping at night, simply by following some or all of these top tips, you should find that you will be able to hit the hay and wake up feeling refreshed and invigorated, ready for the day ahead.

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