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Learn How to Trust Your Instincts
Ever have a feeling in the pit of your gut and ignore it, only to find out later that you should’ve listened to yourself? Would you like to trust your instincts but are scared they’ll lead you astray?
What are instincts exactly?
Instincts are difficult to follow because they’re not tangible. It’s a thought or a feeling without a clear rationalization behind it. So, even if you’re positive you should do one thing, you may find yourself doing the opposite because you couldn’t put a finger on what was leading you in the other direction.
It’s like when you’re driving somewhere and using GPS. The voice may be directing you to turn right on a certain street that you could’ve sworn you had to turn left on. What do you do? Do you listen to the little rectangular electronic device and turn right, or do you follow your gut and turn left?
We are taught at a young age to not defy authority. We’re told to accept things the way they are unless you have proof that they should be different. It’s the proof part that teaches us to ignore what we feel is right because we can’t justify why we want to make that
choice, other than we have a feeling.
Find out what your instincts are trying to say
What happens when your instincts tell you to do one thing but your mind tells you to do another? Follow these three steps and see if
you can hear what your gut is trying to say to you:
#1: Question your first reaction. Why do you think you feel the way you do? Did something happen in your past that was similar and is leading you to feel this way? Have you heard stories involving the same sort of situation that are making you want to go a certain direction?
#2: Become aware of how you feel physically. Your mind is capable of picking up things without you even realizing it. So, even if you can’t say for sure why you feel the way you do, there is a reason. To help you identify the physical feeling, try to pick out a time in the past when you felt the same way and see if you can find a correlation between the two.
#3: Become aware of how you feel emotionally. Are you scared? Anxious? Worried? What are the predominate emotions that you’re experiencing? Once you pinpoint how you’re feeling, ask yourself what it is about the situation that is causing those feelings.
Once you’ve done these three things you may have a better understanding of what your instincts are saying to you and you’ll be able to give some clarity to the situation. But, what happens if you follow these three steps and still don’t have answers?
Learn to trust your intuition
Maybe you can’t figure out what is going on because you’re overstimulated with work, home, TV, cell phones and emails and you can’t think clearly. Or, perhaps you’re stuck because you can’t get beyond certain thoughts or ideas.
Meditation helps with both of these. Sit in a quiet environment and let all your thoughts leave your mind, essentially wiping your mental slate clean. You move beyond any fear, worry or anxiety and let your mind find peace and tranquility.
When you meditate, you also heighten your ability to problem-solve. You change your brainwaves so that you’re more connected to your insight and intuition, making it easier to trust it so even if you don’t figure out why you feel the way you do, at least you’ll be content in the fact that you won’t lead yourself astray.
Sometimes you just have to trust your gut. Have faith in yourself and you may be pleasantly surprised in the result.
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