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A Dozen Tips on How to Improve Your Brain Power

Who among us wouldn’t like to be smarter? Improved brain power can lead to better job opportunities, more earning potential, and exciting new challenges. Unfortunately, many people believe they are just born with whatever brain power they have and there is nothing that can be done. That is completely wrong! There are many different steps you can take to up your smarts and improve your life. Consider the following 12 options for improving your brain power –
– Get Moving. A consistent habit of exercise is one of the best ways to improve brain function. You will create endorphins that naturally benefit your brain and overall health benefits keep you working at your best.
– Breathe Deep. The practice of deep breathing can increase oxygen flow to your brain and help it work at its full potential. Try doing 10 minute deep breathing exercises each day to maximize this benefit.
– Ditch the Chips. And all junk food, actually. Snack foods that are high in salt and fats have been shown to make your brain function sluggish and rob you of energy. Pair consistent exercise with a healthy diet for optimum brain activity.
– Learn a Language. Taking on a foreign language will force parts of your brain into action that are not otherwise used. Pick a language of a country you would like to visit to give you motivation to study hard and become fluent.
– Debate Time. Spending time in friendly, civil debate with another person is a great way to exercise your mind. You will have to think quickly and articulate your points in order to convince your counterpart to agree with your views.
– Red Wine. Believe it or not, drinking a moderate amount of red wine has been proven to be beneficial for brain health. The antioxidants found in red wine help to protect the brain. Obviously, moderation is key to this point, as drinking in excess will have the opposite effect.
– De-Stress. High stress levels suppress brain function and actually kill brain cells. Work to keep your stressors at a minimum to make sure your brain stays in top working order.
– Sleep Enough. Many adults cut back on their sleep in order to make more time in the day. This is a big mistake. Your brain requires enough sleep to work at its best and stay organized. Any time you save by staying awake will likely be lost to unproductivity anyway.
– Read. This is a classic brain power tip. A consistent habit of reading will keep your brain engaged and develop your base of knowledge. Read books on topics that you find interesting and are new to you – the challenge of understanding new material will make your brain work even harder.
– Turn Off the Tube. Watching TV is usually a mindless activity that does nothing for your brain power, and may actually retard its growth. If you are going to watch TV, find something like a documentary or Jeopardy that will engage you in thought while you watch.
– Feed Your Mind. Eating breakfast is crucial to proper brain function throughout the day. Many people have their routines backward – skipping breakfast and overeating at dinner to make up for it. Get your nutrition first thing in the morning and your brain will work better – and your waistline will benefit, as well.
– Meditate. To improve your brain power, sometimes you need to just turn it off. Make daily meditation part of your routine and you will soon feel more organized and focused. Meditation can actually ‘re-wire’ your brain to work at its best. Stress, pressure, and emotions can get our brains out of order – use meditation to put things back in place.
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