• how to gain self esteem
    12 Principles to Improve your Self-Esteem

    “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt If you have low self-esteem, now is the time to change how you feel about yourself and alter your life. Low...

  • what is the cause of anxiety
    Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Cause and Treatment

    If you have anxiety, you may find yourself wondering, “What is the cause of anxiety?” Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a mood condition characterized by multiple worrying and fear. This fear interferes with your ability to sleep,...

  • how to treat depression naturally
    10 Ways to Treat Depression Naturally

    Depression affects as many as 19 million Americans. This is not a condition to be taken lightly – it causes serious consequences if left untreated. The symptoms of depression are troublesome, as well, with many feeling sad,...

  • how to treat anxiety attacks
    8 Great Ways to Treat Anxiety Attacks

    If you suffer with anxiety attacks, you know that these stress responses can be disabling and disturbing. Anxiety is the normal reaction we experience when faced with dangerous or threatening circumstances. However, some people have attacks of...

  • what is reality
    What is Reality? An Exploration of 8 Different Views

    Many people seek to understand an absolute truth. This truth is often linked with reality. Difficulties arise because there is no clear consensus on what this truth is. Or if it even exists. People who purport to...

  • what is intuition
    What is Intuition? Six Points to Ponder

    1. There is Not a Universal Definition of Intuition Intuition is the ability to understand something instantly, without needing to apply conscious thought and reasoning, or a deep knowledge or understanding that comes from an inner instinctive...

  • the power of a positive attitude
    The Power of a Positive Attitude: 11 Ways to Make This Work for You

    People with a positive attitude expect good things to happen, and, to coin a phrase, look on the brighter side of life. It is a metal attitude that encourages confidence, growth, strength and success. People who expect...