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Four Secrets of the Subconscious Mind You May Not Know

Most people are aware that our brains operate in two general ways – the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind controls our regular, day to day activities. Things like driving a car, writing down a note, or eating your food are all controlled by the conscious mind. Your brain sends direct instructions to your muscles to take certain actions. The subconscious mind is a much more mysterious place. It is hard to put ones finger on exactly what it does, because by definition it is acting behind the scenes. We know the subconscious mind holds incredible power over our actions, but exactly what all it can influence is something of a mystery. This article will present you with four lesser known secrets of the subconscious mind.
– It Steals from the Conscious Mind. When we said that driving a car is controlled by the conscious mind that should have come with a disclaimer. When you first start out, driving is an activity that your conscious mind controls. As you gain experience, however, that actions that driving requires start to slip into the subconscious. You no longer require conscious thought the use the clutch, shift gears, or signal a lane change. All of those things become second nature, and as such are controlled by the subconscious. By extension, you could say that anything, given time and practice, could be moved successfully from the conscious to the subconscious mind.
– It Drives Our Behaviors. If you stop and take a close look at your daily life, you will be amazed at how many decisions you actually make throughout the day. Things that you never even give a moment’s pause to consider are actually decisions being made by your subconscious mind. Something like deciding to brush your teeth before bed is a great example. If you habitually brush your teeth before bed, it will soon become a subconscious activity. You likely don’t stop and consider the pro and cons of teeth brushing before getting out your toothbrush. In fact, your conscious mind is likely other places while your subconscious guides you through the motions of getting your teeth brushed.
– It Gives Us Belief. Often when faced with a challenging or nerve-wracking situation, it is our subconscious mind that comes through to tell us we can do it. As we go through life, our subconscious is accumulating memories of times when we have succeeded and storing them for use later on. Even if you are faced with a situation that you have never encountered before, your subconscious can push you on because it remembers times when you have conquered a new obstacle. For this reason it is important to consistently place yourself in uncomfortable positions that require you to call on your self-belief. Each time you rise to the occasion that subconscious confidence grows even further. Before long, you will have built a base of self-assurance that can get you through any new challenge.
– It Can Be Accessed Through Meditation. While the subconscious is a hard thing pinpoint, you can get much closer to it through a regular practice of meditation. When you meditate, your mind is able to cut through all of the ‘noise’ of daily life and find peace within. In those peaceful moments is when you will be able to strongly feel what your subconscious is telling you. If you are not happy with the messages your subconscious sends you throughout the day, use meditation dig deeper and uncover what the true issues may be. From there, you will feel the power to ‘re-program’ your subconscious mind and lead it in a direction that is more productive and useful toward your goals in life.
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