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How to access your subconscious mind – 3 essential tips

Did you know that your conscious mind is only the smallest tip of a vast pyramid of knowledge within you? Your subconscious mind contains an enormous amount of knowledge, memories and wisdom that you are probably greatly underutilizing. Learning to unlock your subconscious mind can unleash your true potential and radically transform your life.
1. Finding your essential self – meditation
There are many ways to access your subconscious mind, but the most simple and direct is meditation. Meditation takes you deeper into your consciousness, allowing you to enter a state of being that is akin to dreaming. Your brain patterns become slower and more structured as the noise and chatter of everyday life starts to be peeled away.
In normal life, your brain is normally be functioning in the ‘beta’ pattern. This state is associated with alertness, but also with stress, anger and anxiety. In meditation, your brain patterns slow and calm down and move first to alpha and then to theta and, in deep meditation, delta patterns. As you enter this state of meditation you will notice a change in the quality of your thinking. Random thoughts may seemingly ‘pop into your head’ – these thoughts are actually not random at all but rather the thoughts of your subconscious mind beginning to assert itself on your consciousness. Your thoughts may begin to jump from one thing to another, seemingly totally unrelated idea. Take note – there will probably be a connection between these things that your conscious mind has not perceived. It is important to let your thoughts flow and bubble in this state. As you continue with your meditation practice you will become more adept at taking the position of ‘observer’ with your conscious mind. This is when you can really begin to reap the benefits of accessing your subconscious mind through meditation and you may even find radical, revolutionary solutions to current problems or dilemmas you are facing. Learn to trust these thoughts and see how they can be put into place in your daily life.
Meditation is quick to learn and does not take much time – the more regularly you are able to practice, the sooner you will experience its’ transforming power in your life.
2. Tap into your creativity
Your subconscious prefers to talk to you without words. Words are the domain of your conscious and logical mind – your subconscious prefers images, music and sounds. Tapping into your creative side can help your subconscious express itself. Many people have reported that practicing art, music, pottery or any other form of self-expression has opened up a side to their personality that they felt was always there but was not being able to be expressed. Cherishing and nurturing your creativity can help you come to live more authentically and in closer contact with your subconscious self.
3. Go with your instincts
When you are trying to make a decision or are confronted with a problem, the very first thing that comes to your mind is probably your subconscious talking. Usually when this happens, you will not be able to explain why you feel this way or why you think it is the ‘right’ decision, but in actual fact, these decisions that are made in the blink of an eye are usually incredibly perceptive and astonishingly accurate.
Your subconscious mind is always available to you, once you know the way to unlock the door. Once you start living your life in tune with your subconscious you will wonder how you ever got by before – once you are accessing your subconscious mind on a daily basis your life will truly be transformed.
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