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How to Increase Brain Power: 5 Proven Ways

Increasing brain power is something that would be of great interest to many people, if only there was an easy way in which to do it. There may not be a quick, easy, fail-proof method to improve the processing power of your brain, but there are a number of small things you can do to help the process, when you do them regularly.
Solve puzzles
If you want to increase the power of your brain, the first thing you must do is to make sure that you are fully using the capability you currently have. One of the best ways to do this is to solve crossword puzzles or Sudoku on a daily basis. This keeps your brain active, stops your memory from deteriorating, and over time will improve brain function as you become quicker at solving the puzzles.
Meditate to improve processing power
Meditation can help to improve the processing power of your brain in a number of ways. It increases the amount of grey matter, which processes information, and white matter, which conveys information between different parts of the brain. It also promotes whole brain synchronization, which is a characteristic of many of the world’s greatest thinkers.
Meditation alters the brainwave patterns to produce a state that is more conducive to learning, processing and using information for problem solving. Alpha brainwaves are characteristic of a light state of meditation, which is best for learning. Theta brainwaves, which result from a deeper state of meditation, help you with problem solving, and intuition also becomes clearer in this state. It is important to note, that brainwave entrainment can get you to your goal much faster than the traditional route.
Some of the neurochemicals produced as a result of meditation also assist with memory functions. DHEA, for example, enhances memory, so will help to increase the power of your brain if you are able to sustain this increase over time.
Eat brain-boosting foods
There are numerous foods that help to improve the function of the brain. Try eating foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acid, such as oily fish (salmon and mackerel contain particularly high levels). This improves the function of the brain because omega 3 is one of the main fatty acids in the brain and carries out a number of vital functions.
Fruits containing high levels of antioxidants are also important for the function of the brain. Try cherries, apples and blackberries, and make sure you eat the skin, as this is where most of the vitamins and antioxidants are located. The darker the colour of the fruit, the more antioxidants it contains, so you may want to bear this in mind when doing your food shopping.
Coffee is another surprising source of antioxidants, so although it contains high levels of caffeine and should be avoided late in the day, drinking a cup or two of coffee in the morning could have a surprising impact on the function of your brain, and actually help to improve its function in the long term.
Get enough sleep
You may not feel as though you are particularly tired, but if you are not getting much sleep, then this will have a negative impact on your brain function. Remembering things will be more difficult, and improving the power of your brain will be almost impossible when you are tired.
Getting a good night’s sleep is important, so try some simple tips such as avoiding caffeine in the evenings, going to bed at a regular time each night, and making sure you are comfortable when you try to sleep. This will mean that you are fully alert and awake during the day, so the rest of the suggestions will have a greater impact on your brain power.
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