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How to Increase Brain Power with Seven Proven Methods

Contrary to popular belief, we are not born with a certain amount of brain power at our disposal. Through practice and consistent use of valuable techniques, we can actually increase our brain power. Those increases can be useful for doing better in school, getting a better job, making new friends, etc. The sky is the limit when it comes to uses for additional brain power. This article will provide you with seven of the most proven methods of increasing brain power.
– Exercise. If you are wanting to strengthen your mind, a good first step is to strengthen your body. Your mind and body are forever linked, and they work best when both in top shape. Make regular exercise part of your day to day life and you will not only get in great physical shape, you will boost your mental capacity as well.
– Remove Stress. Distractions like stress only serve to pull brain power away from the direction we would like to point it. For example, if you are worried about something at work that you have no control over, your brain won’t be able to fully focus on doing your job. Try to take stress out of your life by only spending mental energy on things that are within your control. Taking that approach will make sure every ounce of brain power at your disposal will be dedicated to the task at hand.
– Eat Fats. Wait, didn’t you just say to exercise? Why would I be eating fats? Well, all fats are not created equal. Since your brain is actually 50%-60% fat, you do need fat in your body for your brain to function at full capacity. Healthy fats such as those found in fish are a great choice for a brain friendly food that is easy on your waistline as well.
– Spend Time Teaching. Instructing another person on how to do something is one of the fastest ways to learn it yourself. Even if you are teaching something different than your targeted area of learning, just the activities involved in teaching will strengthen your brain for future use. When you are a teacher, you have to analyze material and conceptualize ways to communicate that material effectively. Putting yourself though that process repeatedly is sure to boost your brain power over time.
– Do a Crossword Puzzle. Or really, any kind of puzzle or mind teaser type of game. Not only are they a nice way to pass time, but people who do puzzles on a regular basis exhibit brain growth beyond people who do not. The very idea of a puzzle is to force the brain to think in ways that it normal does not – and that is a great way to increase brain power.
– Get Your Sleep. A proper amount of nightly sleep is always good advice, and it’s no different when it comes to boosting your brain power. A tired brain is one that can’t focus on what it’s doing, and therefore will consistently fall short of the learning and remembering goals you have. There is such a thing as too much sleep, however, so find a balance that works for you and try to get a similar amount of sleep each night.
– Meditate. The power of meditation is beyond what many people realize, and it can actually increase the working size of your brain. People who consistently meditate experience new connections within their brains, and an increased capacity to think. Combine that with the peaceful, calm feelings that meditation creates, and it is easy to see way meditating is a great way to increase brain power.
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