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How to unlock your mind power: 3 simple but effective methods

Your mind holds power that you probably wouldn’t believe. There are so many websites out there promising the secret to unlocking the power of your mind but the secret is simple – you possess the power and the means of unlocking it already. Here are 3 life-changing tips for unlocking the true power of your mind.
1. Delve beneath the surface
Your conscious mind is just the very tip of a vast pyramid of knowledge and wisdom that is your subconscious mind. It is estimated that we use only 10-20 % of our mind potential, with the great majority of our mind power remaining untapped. Tapping into your subconscious mind is the way to access this knowledge and the most direct way to do that is to learn how to meditate.
There are many forms of meditation, but the guiding principle is the same. Meditation alters your brain patterns, changing them from the regular waking state of beta waves to alpha, theta and delta. Alpha is the first altered state which is associated with light relaxation and the beginning of the meditation process. In this state you will begin to be able to access your subconscious mind. In this state you will experience waves of creative thought and be able to see how ideas that may have seemed unrelated might actually be deeply connected. Problem solving becomes easier and solutions deeper. As you progress with meditation you will gradually be able to access even deeper layers of your consciousness and the true power of your mind will be unlocked.
Meditation is easy to learn and can be practiced by anyone. The practice of meditation has many other benefits as well, which have been studied extensively over the past few decades. Meditation leads to real changes in your brain with the physical increase in both white and gray matter. It also causes the release of a whole range of beneficial brain chemicals, increasing your feeling of well-being as well as improving your mood, learning capacity and memory, amongst other things.
As you progress down the path of meditation you will surely wonder how you could have survived so long without it!
2. Believe in your own power
Are you trapped by your own disbelief in yourself? Once you have learned how to access your subconscious mind, the key to unleashing your true power is to truly believe you have it. Many of us are victims of ingrained beliefs from our school days – your achievement at school or any time past is completely irrelevant to your potential now. As meditation helps you realize your untapped potential, so you need to begin to believe in your ability to put it into practice in your life.
3. Use the best fuel you can
If you had a Lamborghini you wouldn’t fill it full of cheap, dirty fuel, would you? If you want your mind to operate like a highly tuned, high performance machine, you also need to be very mindful of what you fuel it with. There has been a lot of research into the relationship between food and cognitive function. You may wish to research this question further but there are a few important guiding principles. Avoid processed ‘junk’ food as much as you can and eat fresh food often. Omega 3 oil should also be an essential component to your diet as there is excellent evidence in its’ role in supporting healthy brain function. Include lots of antioxidants, like blueberries and foods high in vitamin C and make sure you exercise regularly.
The secret to unlocking your mind power is really no secret at all. As you acknowledge the wonder that is yourself and your incredible mind, you will be motivated to take good care of the gift that you have. Meditation, belief, good fuel and exercise are the simple keys to unlocking your true potential.
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