Magic of Thinking Big – Achieve Your Full Potential

magic of thinking big

Have you ever considered the fact that it is the people who dream of making a difference, and then work hard to achieve their goals, who really stand out in today’s world? Whatever you want to achieve in your life, unless you dare to dream, then you will never take the first step towards achieving your goals.

Many people want to unlock their full potential and find out exactly what their brains are capable of. This is actually easier than you might expect, as long as you are prepared to work hard and accept that it will be a while before you begin to see considerable improvements. This may come as a shock to people who are used to getting exactly what they want, when they want it, but anything that is truly worth having needs to be worked at. Improved mind function and a higher IQ level is no exception to this rule. So, where should you begin?

Exercise your brain every day

If you are going to enhance the power of your mind, you should first ensure that you are making the most of what you already have. The best way to do this is to complete an activity every day that will challenge your brain. If you buy a daily newspaper, this is ideal. Turn to the page with the crossword, Sudoku and other mind games, and have a go at one of them. If you do this on a regular basis, you will soon notice that you can complete the puzzles more quickly. Now, the next stage is to improve your brain function, and to do this you need to continue to provide a challenge. If you have only been doing the crossword, now is the time to have a go at the Sudoku, or vice versa.

Meditate to increase brain function

Meditation has long been used to assist in increasing the power of the mind, and we are now aware of the effects it actually has on the brain. This ancient practice leads to an increase in the amount of grey matter in the brain, which is the region that processes information. An increase in white matter also occurs, improving the connections between different parts of the brain. This means that recalling and processing information will become much easier, and the more often you meditate, the easier it will become. Meditation can also lead to whole brain synchronisation, which is characteristic of some of the world’s most notable thinkers.

Give your brain the food it needs

If you really want your brain to achieve its maximum potential, you also need to think about how you are treating your body. If your diet consists mainly of processed foods that are high in fat and sugar, then you are depriving your body of many important vitamins that are needed for the brain to function correctly. Instead, increase the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables that you eat. The more varied the selection, the better the range of vitamins and antioxidants you will be taking in. if you can, make sure you leave the skin on, particularly with fruit, as this is where many of the vitamins can be found.

Omega 3 fatty acid is also important when it comes to brain function, and you can increase your intake of this by eating portions of oily fish such as salmon or mackerel.

These are just a few ideas for achieving your full potential – particularly when it comes to improving your brain function and IQ level. It is important to remember that you should also take care of your body, so make sure you exercise regularly and also get enough sleep.

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