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Six Easy to Use Mind Improvement Tips

We all strive to improve throughout the course of our lives. That never-ending pursuit of betterment is part of what makes our lives enjoyable and satisfying. We often think about improving our bodies through exercise, or bettering our financial situations through a new job. We should also be thinking about improving our minds. Just because we have graduated from school doesn’t mean the learning needs to end. The following six tips are designed to help you improve your mind no matter your age, and become the smartest, most focused version of yourself yet.
– Use it or Lose it. The brain, like any other muscle in the body, must be used regularly or it will begin to atrophy. Challenging your brain on a consistent basis is the equivalent of lifting weights. Thanks to living in the digital age, putting our brains to the test is never more than a click away. Seek out online puzzle games and brain teasers to stay sharp. Even if you only have a few minutes each day, you can quickly improve brain function over time. Playing these game is also a fun distraction from your daily routine.
– Get Your Sleep. As we move into adulthood, many of us get very busy and sleep often suffers. You can improve your brain function by simply getting enough sleep. The right amount is different for everybody, but somewhere between 7-8 hours should be good. Don’t try to average it out either – sleeping 3 hours one night and 12 the next is not the same as sleeping 7.5 hours each night. A regular sleep pattern will improve your mind almost instantly.
– Focus. It sounds obvious, but one of the downsides to the digital age is that we are constantly presented with distractions. To improve your mind, put away the distractions and focus on one thing at a time. You will learn and remember better, and also get things done faster without your mind moving from place to place.
– Visualize. Bring materials you are trying to learn to life by visualizing them in your mind. Create elaborate, real-world situations mentally that involve whatever it is you want to learn or remember. These scenarios may be pretty off-the-wall, but they will be far more memorable than the black and while words on a page. Our brains remember images far more vividly than general ideas or concepts – attach a mental picture to something and will come to mind much easier.
– Break it Up. Don’t always approach things in the same manner. Imagine you are trying to remember information for a big presentation at work. Rather than just read the document over and over that you will be presenting, try ‘showing’ it to your brain in a few different ways. Read it aloud to yourself – even better, record yourself reading it and then listen to it back. If the document isn’t too long, try copying it longhand onto a new sheet of paper. You could even enlist the help of a friend or coworker to read it back and forth as if it were a play. Whatever you can do to mix the study routine will be for the better. Provide your brain with as many varied inputs as you can in order to get yourself the best chance at remembering.
– Meditate. The opposite of active study, meditation can be just as beneficial to improving your mind. Throughout our lives, we take in tons of information, most of which we have no use for. Think of meditation as a great way to weed out what we don’t need, toss it aside, and keep only the important parts. Meditation is a quiet time where the world around us goes away and we can focus our thoughts back onto ourselves. Anyone who meditates regularly emerges with a newfound feeling of focus and energy. Both of those things are vital improving your mind on a daily basis.
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