Six Excellent Achievement Tips

achievement tips

Just the word achievement can make you feel good. It conjures up images of graduating high school or college, earning a promotion, or a variety of other major life moments. The rush of a great accomplishment is part of what keeps us grinding though our sometimes monotonous lives. So how do you working toward great achievements? Consider the following six tips –

– Start a Log. Whatever it is you want to achieve, make sure to write it down. Don’t just write in general terms either – be highly specific as to what you are setting out to do. You can also build in milestones along the way to keep you on track and accountable. Try breaking up an achievement into ten smaller steps that you can check off one at a time. By laying a path out in front of you, it will be easier to stay on course and the success of checking of steps will motivate you to keep on going.

– Positive Framework. There is an old saying that goes “Whether you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.” True self belief is indeed the foundation of any great achievement. Even if you lack support from those around you, call on the trust you have in yourself to persevere and reach your goal. When you trip up along the way, and you will, frame those mistakes in a positive light. Don’t get down about a miss-step or two – see them as learning experiences that will eventually propel you all the way to your crowning achievement.

– Find a Coach. This person can be a friend or family member, or even someone you find online with similar goals as you. Ask them to hold you accountable on your journey and keep you working toward the finish. Have them check in on you randomly to make sure you haven’t lost focus. The idea of being responsible to someone else is a powerful motivator and can keep you from losing track of what you are trying to achieve.

– Start NOW. The classic way to never achieve anything is to keep putting off the start line. If you find yourself constantly saying ‘tomorrow’ or ‘next Monday’, you will never get to see your achievement come to life. In order to break that habit, get started now. Literally, right now. Do something within the next few minutes to get started toward your goal. It can be as simple as writing down what you are going to do, or actually getting out and getting started. Either way, stop the cycle of procrastination and take the first step toward achievement today.

– Celebrate. Much like a dog that gets a treat for being good, us humans are motivated by rewards as well. When you are laying out your plan for achievement, build in rewards for passing individual milestones. Make it something that you can afford, but don’t normally do for yourself. It doesn’t have to be anything dramatic – just a simple purchase or activity that makes you happy. This will give you a positive association with accomplishing your goals, and push you on to keep checking them off.

– Meditate. Finding mental calm and focus is vital to achieving success. When you habitually meditate, your brain rewires itself to think in a more cohesive way. You will be actually increasing your capacity to think and create – both huge advantages on the road to achievement. Also, the return on your time invested while meditation is better than just about any other activity. Even just a few minutes of quiet meditation can give you the clarity you need to get another step closer to your goal.

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