• healing with your mind
    Healing With Your Mind: Unleash The Power Within

    Vibrant health requires perfect harmony between the mind and body. Holistic healers have understood and honored the concept of healing with the mind for centuries. Modern medicine was slower to adapt but convincing scientific evidence has emerged...

  • benefits of helping others
    Enrich Your Life By Helping Others

    Help your elderly neighbor trim her lawn. Spend some time mentoring a child. Volunteer to help with the storm relief effort. Sign up to work at the local soup kitchen. Donate some clothes to the homeless shelter....

  • ways to maintain a positive attitude
    Don’t Worry – Be Happy! 7 Steps For Maintaining A Positive Attitude

    We’ve all known people who seem to maintain a positive attitude against all odds. Life-threatening illnesses, severe financial setbacks, family conflicts and natural disasters come and go but their happiness remains intact. We’ve also known people who...

  • benefits of deep breathing
    Deep Breathing Enriches Your Life – One Breath At A Time

    You are breathing as you read this. Of course you are. Everybody understands that breathing is essential to life. Breathing is something we do every minute of every day and we don’t generally give it much thought....

  • natural health tips
    5 Natural Health Tips For A Better And Happier Life

    Although advances in medicine have made a profound effect on our health and longevity, there is still a reason to rely on Mother Nature to keep our bodies and minds sound and healthy. In many cases, taking...

  • how to improve will power
    How to Improve Will Power that Paves the Road to Self-Actualization

    Will power is the singly most effective and important factor that enables you to try, achieve, and sustain. Be it a routine task at home or an important business venture, unless and until you are not personally...

  • how to strengthen will power
    Five Ideas on How to Strengthen Your Willpower

    Willpower is something that we don’t think about very often, but has a profound impact on our lives. Think about it – just about everything you do requires a certain amount of willpower. Even getting out of...