The Secret of Mind Power and 4 Ways to Increase It

the secret of mind power

Mind power is something that the majority of people underestimate. However, the potential for improving your brain function and the power of your mind is immense, if you can find a way to unlock it and make use of this amazing organ.

Unlock your potential with meditation

You may be surprised to find that meditation actually has a profound effect on the brain and its function. Meditation requires no special equipment or training to get started – anyone can try it. All you need to do is find a quiet place to sit, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Forget about anything else that is going on around you or in your life. As you reach a light state of meditation with or without brainwave entrainment, the patterns you produce will change from beta to alpha, which promotes learning and processing of information. If you reach the next, deeper, level of meditation, then you will be producing a theta brainwave pattern, which is best for problem solving and making decisions based on intuition.

Over time, regular meditation leads to an increase in the amount of grey matter in the brain, meaning that information can be stored and processed more easily. The white matter, which provides connections throughout different parts of the brain, is also increased, meaning that information can be retrieved more easily.

The final way in which meditation can help you to unlock the full potential of your mind is by increasing the levels of neurochemicals found in your body. These have many different functions, but one in particular, known as DHEA, is involved in enhancing memory. Higher levels of DHEA will make it easier for you to retain and recall information.

Keep your brain active

The most important thing you can do to maintain the full function of your brain and be able to increase the power of your mind gradually is to make sure you use what you have. Do something that challenges you and makes you think every day, or you will soon find that it is more difficult for you to recall information and you struggle to retain details.

Do a logic puzzle, crossword or Sudoku every day (these can be found in almost all newspapers), and as you practise, you will discover that they become easier. If you are serious about unlocking the power of your mind, then this is the point at which you should change the type of puzzle that you are doing. As you become more proficient, the brain stops needing to work as hard, so the improvements slow down and may stop completely. Changing the type of puzzle will provide a new challenge and keep your brain working hard.

Try new activities

Trying new things does not just relate to the puzzles already mentioned. Any time you do something new, connections are being made and information is being stored in your brain. The more connections that are present, the more effective your memory will be. So, this is the perfect reason to try all those new activities you have wondered about but never done.

Unlocking brain power with what you eat

You may not think that what you eat could have much of an impact on your mind, but you would be surprised. Large amounts of processed foods will not only make you feel lethargic and cause you to put on weight, but they deprive your brain of the antioxidant chemicals and essential fatty acids that enable it to function at its most efficient. Replace these foods with fresh fruit, vegetables, fish and lean meat, and you will soon notice the difference, both in your body and your mind.

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