• astral travel tips
    11 Astral Travel Tips

    Astral travel occurs when the mind leaves the physical body and is free to roam around the parallel astral plane. You can go anywhere in the universe that you want to and meet up with other consciousnesses...

  • find happiness within
    Six Easy Ways to Find Happiness Within

    Ultimately, we are alone in this world. Having support and love from friends and family around is great, but we are all eventually on our own to make our way and find happiness and satisfaction. Many people...

  • enlightenment
    Have you reached Enlightenment? 7 Point Checklist

    “To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way...

  • how to overcome depression and anxiety
    How to Overcome Depression and Anxiety with 10 Easy Steps

    If you have depression, chances are you have anxiety. Also, if you are anxious, it’s probably related to the fact that you are depressed. Both of these mental health conditions make you irritable, fatigued, and stressed. If...

  • how to enhance memory
    6 Ways to Enhance Memory

    You’ve heard the saying, “Use it or lose it?” Well, when it comes to brain power, this is true. Scientists now know that the human mind is ‘neuroplastic,’ meaning it can change and adapt. The brain can...

  • how to improve brain function
    8 Ways to Improve Brain Function

    You may be wondering how to improve brain function. Authors of a new book, Use it or Lose It, tell us that your brain can continue to function effectively and actively if you know what to do....

  • natural depression remedies
    9 Natural Depression Remedies

    Around 20 million adults in the United States are suffering with depression today. Most of these people do not seek treatment. Depression is a mood condition in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration hinder everyday...