• trust no one but yourself
    Why it’s Good to Trust No One But Yourself

    Do you have issues trusting other people? Are you positive that the only one you can count on 100% is yourself? Some people argue that you have to trust other people in order to live a happy,...

  • personal development methods
    4 Top Personal Development Methods

    Do you strive to be the best person that you can be? Is there an area of your life that you want to excel in? Most people have at least one personal development goal that they are...

  • overcoming self consciousness
    Overcoming Self-Consciousness is Possible, Here’s How

    Do you stop yourself from doing what you want because you fear how others will look at you? Do you question your own ability to do great things? When you’re self-conscious or so focused on what others...

  • goal setting techniques
    6 Extremely Effective Goal Setting Techniques

    Have you set goals in the past, only to fall short of reaching them? Are you looking for ways to make sure that your dreams come true, once and for all? Just saying you want something isn’t...

  • list of character flaws
    Checklist of Character Flaws: Are You As Bad As You Think You Are?

    We sometimes speak of “flaws” as though they’re irredeemable. There is some embarrassment when admitting to being imperfect. One tends to appreciate, however, people who say that they are “a work in progress.” The flaws are there,...

  • reasons to criticize less
    5 Reasons To Criticize Less

    Criticism is not easy to take, but it seems we are quick to dispense it. While we should speak up when we see that something is wrong, we should also be mindful of the reasons why we...

  • qualities of charismatic people
    The Qualities of Highly Charismatic People

    How do you differentiate between a charismatic person and a charming person? Someone charming is attractive and pleasant to be with, but not necessarily charismatic. A charismatic person has a magnetic presence, and can awe, inspire, or...