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9 Natural Remedies for Bipolar Disorder

Tired of the ups and downs of bipolar disorder? Ready for some natural remedies that won’t cost you an arm and a leg? Because the symptoms of bipolar disorder can significantly alter your well-being, you may be ready for a lifestyle change. If you are ready to control your symptoms and gain power over your thoughts, try these 9 natural remedies for bipolar disorder. Find out today how you can transform your life.
1. Tai Chi and Mindfulness Meditation
The practice of Tai Chi and Mindfulness Meditation (MM) has helped many calm the mind and body, especially during the active stage of bipolar. Sleepless nights leave you feeling burned out, fatigued, and bewildered. Several recent studies found that MM links to the neuro-circuitry areas of the brain that control emotional regulation and feelings of compassion. Various areas of the brain show improvement in concentration and sensory processing after the meditating.
2. Drink Green Tea
It sounds too easy, but author Andrew Weil reports that green tea has an abundance of antioxidants that put you on the path to a healthy mental state. In his book Healthy Aging, Weil recommends steeping the tea with white fusion tea and mint green for better flavor. Green tea is one of the best natural remedies for bipolar disorder available.
3. Get Omega-3 Fatty Acids
There’s been a lot of talk lately about the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids. Well, the research supports that these substances ease depression, anxiety, and irritability. They also help you rest better of the night. In his book The Omega-3 Connection, Dr. Andrew Stoll reports that, for mood and cognitive enhancement, you should take 1 to 2 grams each day. For mood elevation and mania stabilization, the dose goes up to 2 to 5 grams per day. This natural supplement has helped many with the controversial disorder of bipolar.
4. Cut Out the Caffeine
One of the simplest natural remedies for bipolar disorder is to cut out caffeine. Just eliminate it from your dietary intake. Caffeine leads to withdrawal behavior and irritability. Avoid it and you avoid the side effects. Instead, drink herbal teas, water, and fruit juice. Your body will thank you, and your mind will be more at ease.
5. Try Herbal Remedies
Passion Flower, Melatonin, and Valerian are good sleep aids that are available at holistic health stores. These herbal remedies are not strong, so you feel like getting up and going the next day. You should consult your healthcare provider, however, before mixing these supplements with your regular medications.
6. Relax Occasionally
Take time out of your busy schedule for daily relaxation. Find a quiet place and relax there for about 20 minutes. Focus your thoughts on happy things, and forget your troubles and worries for a while. This lowers your heart rate and blood pressure, allowing your body to recharge for the day.
7. Exercise Regularly
Whether it’s a brisk walk or jogging, you need to exercise for at least 30 minutes each day for four or five days a week. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, those feel-good chemicals we all love. Endorphins recharge your mind and make you feel more positive and upbeat. Research shows that regular exercise helps with the symptoms of bipolar disorder, and the best thing about it is that it’s free.
8. Take up Art
Creating something gives you a sense of accomplishment. Art is a natural mood stabilizer with the added benefit of encouraging memory and cognition. Sketch something, paint something, or sculpt something. You will find that art contributes to your self-esteem and enhances your well-being.
9. Get a Pet
Having a pet gives you companionship and responsibility. Idle time can lead to excess worry and mania. Pick out a pooch at the local animal shelter and give him your love and attention. Animals are excellent natural remedies for bipolar disorder.
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