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Finding A Way Of Coping With Panic Disorder Naturally

Anyone who has experienced a panic attack will have no problem remembering the intense feeling of overwhelming fear, the accelerated heartbeat, the gasping breaths, and a feeling of impending disaster. Unlike anxiety attacks, which actually result from a stressful situation, panic attacks strike without warning or reason. Dizziness and even chest pains can occur during a panic attack, and it’s not surprising that emergency medical help is often sought. When a person suffers from repeated panic attacks, they are said to be suffering from panic disorder.
Panic disorder can affect nearly aspect of the victim’s life. Some will be afraid to leave the house because they worry about having an attack in public, some people will find that their work is affected, and if a panic attack occurs while driving, it can be dangerous. Panic attacks can destroy your quality of life, so it’s important to learn how to cope with them as quickly as possible.
The first thing that should be done when you begin to experience panic attacks is to schedule a visit to your family doctor. While most panic attacks are disconnected to any identifiable cause, there are some physical conditions that can also be responsible for them:
- Low blood sugar
- Thyroid conditions
- Heart conditions such as mitral valve collapse
- Overuse of caffeine or other stimulants
However, if you have been found to be free of any physical complications, you will have to start finding a way of coping with panic disorder. Getting your life back is important, and it will be impossible until you find a way to deal with these attacks. Some people become agoraphobic when they develop panic disorder, thinking to avoid situations which may have triggered an attack by remaining in their homes. However, in most cases, there is no clear connection between a panic attack and a specific place or activity, in fact, some panic attacks will awaken you out of a sound sleep.
For a number of reasons, including drug dependency and possible allergic reactions, most people who find that they have developed a panic disorder will only want to use sedatives and other prescription medications as a last resort. However, there are a number of things that can be done to help you cope with panic attacks.
- Relaxation techniques are often quite helpful in nipping a panic attack in the bud. It might take some practice, but many panic disorder victims have found that meditation can break the vicious panic attack cycle. Once you have practiced meditation, you will be able to progress to the deepest level and achieve a state of perfect relaxation. This will allow the left and right sides of your brain to work together for your benefit, making it more likely that panic attacks will be a thing of the past.
- Exercise is another way to get back your life. To begin with, it gets you involved in an activity, and it also releases endorphins (the brain chemicals that produce happy feelings).
- Distraction will work for many people coping with panic disorder. Once again, it helps you to break into the panic attack and focus your attention elsewhere.
- Alcohol, smoking, and recreational drug use have been shown to trigger some panic attacks, so a lifestyle change may be beneficial in these cases.
- Don’t try to keep your panic attacks to yourself; hiding these attacks only makes it more likely that they will recur again. Your family should be informed of the trouble you are having, and will undoubtedly be glad to provide the emotional support that you need to get through an attack.
- Because most people begin to hyperventilate when the panic attack starts, you might find it useful to breathe into a paper bag for a few seconds. This will help to moderate the amount of oxygen in your system and help it to stabilize.
- Face the attacks head on and fight back, there’s no reason to let panic disorder take over your life. If you have found that a particular situation is causing the attack, such as going to a certain store or restaurant, visit the place over and over to desensitize yourself.
Coping with panic disorder means that you have made the decision to regain control of your life. It may take some time, but practice and perseverance will help you to put panic attacks behind you so that you can enjoy life once again.
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