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18 Tips for How to Raise Your Consciousness

Raising your consciousness means exploring and broadening your own perceptions of reality, reconnecting with others and nature, and learning how to control your own destiny by your actions and thoughts. Heightened consciousness not only increases your awareness about yourself, but also how you can have an impact on the world all around you.
1. Be Healthy
Watch the foods that you eat. Eat healthily and try to avoid chemicals and processed foods as much as possible, as these can act as an internal conscious block.
Doing some basic exercises, dancing, or any other activity that makes you move around helps by raising the endorphin levels in your brain, increasing your circulation, and makes you feel more empowered.
2. Meditate
Meditation will allow you to access your higher consciousness and inner awareness. There are also many health benefits associated with meditation and it is free and easy to do. Use affirmations to help you to stay focused and also to change deep seated negative beliefs.
3. Embrace Nature
Spend some time outside. Being in nature generally makes people feel calmer and more at peace, which can elevate levels of consciousness and awareness.
4. Associate with Similar Thinking People
Sharing ideas, thoughts and experiences with like-minded people will assist you; you will pick up hints and tips as well as being able to discuss your understanding.
5. Be More Open Minded
Approach life with an open mind and be more tolerant of diverse beliefs, opinions and activities. This does not mean that you must accept them, just do not push them aside without considering the other side of the coin. Also, treat yourself and others with respect.
6. Be Grateful
Be thankful for the things that you have. Do not waste energy worrying about things that you do not have. Focus on what you have right now, whether it is good health, friends, family, your home, your work, food, or other things and appreciate the positive things in your life.
7. Learn from Mistakes
Instead of criticizing yourself or others for mistakes, use them as tools to help you grow. Think about what improvements could be made to prevent similar mistakes from reoccurring. Encourage thoughts that allow positive solutions to be found.
8. Be Present
Live in the present. Let go of your thoughts about past events – they are done and cannot be altered. Do not live in the future – without the present there is no future. Practice being present, here and now, in this very moment. This keeps your consciousness centred in the right direction.
9. Release Your Creative Side
Creativity is essential for increasing your consciousness. Explore your creative side by spending some time doing an activity that allows you to express creative ideas. You may try painting, photography, singing, dancing, sculpting, writing, jewellery making, or any similar such activity.
10. Enjoy Your Own Company
Set aside time to spend with yourself, in relaxation, with no other distractions. Turn off your mobile phone, ignore your computer, switch of the television and enjoy the silence.
11. Watch Your Emotions
Be aware of your emotions, but do not let them rule you. Accepting your emotions helps to disperse them more than trying to fight against them.
12. Find Peace
Actively remove sources of conflict in your life. Remove or change those things that cause you to fight or argue, as these negative activities can have a detrimental effect on your levels of consciousness.
13. Let go of Fear
Release your fears. Accept that the universe has your best intentions at heart and stop worrying about things that you cannot change, or ruining the present moment by worrying about the future. By living a life without fear your consciousness will expand with greater energy.
14. Open Your Chakras
Try to open your chakras. Your chakras are an important means of being able to access your inner self. Working with your chakras builds your awareness of your body’s energy and how this energy can affect your life.
15. Be Determined and Patient
Be committed to wanting to raise your consciousness. Many people are curious, but do not invest the necessary time and energy to achieve true results.
16. Follow Your Dreams
Do not live your life in a state of apathy. Follow your dreams, reach for your goals and live the life that you want to live. Consciously think about every decision you make and ensure that you are making them for you and not just following what other people want you to do. Additionally, actively pursue happiness. Seek out pleasurable things that make you feel content and fulfilled.
17. Keep a Record
Keep a reflexion diary and use it to identify any stumbling blocks on your path to raising your consciousness. It is also a useful tool for realising the things that do make you feel more enlightened and conscious.
18. Listen to Your Inner Voice
Imagine how you would advise people in similar situations you yourself, and try to follow your own good advice; follow your inner guidance and intuition.
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