• ways to reduce stress levels
    Six Quick Ways to Reduce Stress Levels

    Being stressed is not an enjoyable feeling. You have a hard time relaxing, your blood pressure can go up, and you are often just uncomfortable all around. Stressors in our lives can come from any number of...

  • how to increase brain power
    How to Increase Brain Power with Seven Proven Methods

    Contrary to popular belief, we are not born with a certain amount of brain power at our disposal. Through practice and consistent use of valuable techniques, we can actually increase our brain power. Those increases can be...

  • always trust yourself
    Five Great Ways to Always Trust Yourself

    When you think of successful people in life, what do you think of? Money, fame, popularity, and accomplishment are likely things that came to mind. Those are some of the outcomes of success, but they are not...

  • longevity methods
    16 Ways to Increase Longevity

    We all are looking for that magical fountain of youth. Longevity relies on two things: genetics and lifestyle. You can’t control your genes, but there are other things you can do to increase the probability of living...

  • how to achieve inner peace
    How to Achieve Inner Peace with Five Timeless Thoughts

    “He who lives in harmony with himself, lives in harmony with the universe” ~Marcus Aurelius~ Searching for inner peace is indeed a wonderful idea, but it is not easy to find peace within. Since many people end...

  • techniques for reducing stress
    5 Simple (Yet Powerful) Techniques for Reducing Stress

    Managing stress is something that everyone must do throughout life. There is no escaping stress, but you can manage and prevent it from overwhelming you and turning into a larger problem. If you are looking for effective...

  • spiritual benefits of serving others
    3 Amazing Spiritual Benefits of Serving Others

    When the Bible said (and here we’re merely paraphrasing) “serve others,” the more cynical might have asked: “What’s in it for me?” Well, apparently, beyond religious tenets on altruism, there are indeed physical and spiritual benefits of...